(Since there's no search feature, I couldn't see if this question has been asked already, something else you need here!)
When you buy one of the "EXPERIENCE" combination software and keyboard controller, why is this eLicenser nonsense even needed?
After all, to make use of the software you need the hardware, and without the software the hardware is useless, right?
Why not have the optional dongle ALREADY embedded in the hardware of the keyboard, so no mater which computer you have the keyboard plugged into it would detect the attached keyboard when you run the software and you'd be oblivious to this eLicenser nonsense!
Example, both my Korg and M-Audio Venom software checks to see if the keyboard is attached when starting up, wouldn't it make sense that Arturia's products do the same as well (if you are using one of Arturia's keyboard controllers)?
Am I making too much sense here? Even my camera software checks to see if I have one of their camera's attached. If I don't have one of their camera's attached, the software doesn't run. It would just reduce the frustration of your customers if you embedded the USB dongle with the specific eLicenser already installed for the specific software.
If the customer wants to run the software WITHOUT the keyboard, THEN the eLicenser nonsense should come into play, but not when I'm already using it with hardware (Arturia keyboard controller) which proves I'm a legit user of the product!