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Author Topic: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?  (Read 16838 times)


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Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« on: May 18, 2011, 04:22:06 pm »
Hi guys,

just read these threads about how to setup the transport buttons to work with Cubase;

Transportfunctions of AF 1.2 in Cubase 4

Transport / Sequencer Control Issues in Cubase 6 / Win 7

I configured the transport buttons as decribed but unfortunately this doesn't work with Ableton Live. Live's configuration should be ok because the transport functions work well when I connect my MPC for sending MMC codes. I setup the Laboratoy in the same manner.

Any suggestions?


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2011, 11:29:05 am »
I too have this issue, just updated to Ableton Live 8.2.5 but it still doesn't work.  Works with spark though ... sort of


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2011, 01:26:05 pm »
I think I've figured out how to get the transport buttons working.....

First of all, I ran the Laboratory MIDI control centre, then from there I loaded the defaults and sent them to the keyboard.

When I went back into Ableton Live, I remapped the transport buttons on the keyboard to Ableton.  I noticed that the values out of Laboratory had changed and it worked straight away.

It seems to me, that the mapping "before" was set to notes for some reason, maybe something to do with updates or what not.

I've only had the keyboard for 3 days, so I'm not sure what other damage I might have done, but it is interesting.

I hope this helps any other people out there....


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2011, 04:52:31 pm »
Clinton, yes, this works in some way, but you just connected the transport buttons as controllers to Live. In my case this works for Play and Stop. The Loop button works for a while but somewhen it just stops working. Record isn't working at all.

And when set to MMC mode none of the buttons work.

Arturia, any idea?

Dennis Chekaldin

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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2011, 01:07:16 pm »
Yup, any idea, Arturia? I understand that the product is farely new, but it's got lots of issues with Ableton. The vst and au keep crashing ableton constantly, and there are difficulties with mapping the controller. How about releasing an update and an Ableton mapping file?


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2011, 07:02:08 pm »
Well usually Arturia hasn't got any idea.
To be honest, they usually don't even answer to somewhat problematic mails.
Maybe they even don't read them? Who knows.
You can find lots of posts here, that remain unanswered for month, just because Arturia tries to proof, that you don't need to care for customers, as a software-manufactor.

But to the point.
I wanted to give you a tip regrading the laboratory midi control center:
Better don't use it, because it doesn't send, what it says it does. For example, when you set the rotary encoders to absolute mode and send that to the keyboard, you end up with encoders that only move inbetween midi messages 60 and 70 ore so. That's because the so-called midi-center has put them into relative mode. The same with the faders. Put them to normal in the midi-center and it will turn them to drawbar-mode.

So, do yourself a favor and do the midi-programming on the keyboard.
By the way, Arturia knows this bug for a long time. But they don't react.
They gave us 2 updates, but none fixed it.
Nobody knows, what the updates were exatly for,
because Arturia has never heard of publishing changelogs (so that you as a user could decide if it's good for you to update or not).
Anyway, if you customized the controller for your needs (as I did it as a main-controller for reason) it is not bad. But that's the work of CME and not Arturia.

Have Fun!
Analog Laboratory, Reason 7, Cubase 4
Focusrite Scarlett 8i6, Akai MPK 49, Novation MiniNova


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2011, 07:05:28 pm »
What can really help, is getting midi-ox and do it yourself.
Analog Laboratory, Reason 7, Cubase 4
Focusrite Scarlett 8i6, Akai MPK 49, Novation MiniNova


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2011, 10:31:41 pm »

i've a similar problem. After using the MIDI control center to configure my sustain pedal (it worked in reverse) i´ve found that all the knots only moves between 61 and 67 and the slider go in reverse mode. I´ve set to default values in MIDI control center and send to keyboard with no results. Also tried to config from de keyboard but i don`t get it. żAny idea?


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2011, 12:04:31 am »
żAny idea?

Don't use this MIDI Control Center until there's a working update available.

I think it's not original from Arturia, but from another company, so maybe we have to wait for an update much longer than usual. Arturia knows the bug, I was in contact with support about this.


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2011, 09:57:56 am »
i´ve found that all the knots only moves between 61 and 67
In the MIDI Control Center, set the Knob mode to "Absolute", then click on [Send to Keyboard] button.
and the slider go in reverse mode.
As well, set the Fader mode to "Normal".


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2011, 05:01:51 pm »

In the MIDI Control Center, set the Knob mode to "Absolute", then click on [Send to Keyboard] button.

That's a quick hack for a single session with the MCC, but not a solution.


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2011, 05:10:13 pm »
... and realize, that after you have followed Antoine's instructions, that everything will be vice versa, because of the MIDI Control Center-Bug.

As Sean has explained very accurate:
"If Knob Mode is set to Relative, the knobs send values 65-67 when turned clockwise, and values 63-61 when turned counter-clockwise. (the value depends on how fast the know is turned)"
So you need to put them to "Absolute", as Antoine has correctly said. But - as mentioned - if you do that in the Midi-Center, it transmits the value "Relative" to your keyboard.

I assume, that you only have this setting, because you've already used the Midi-Center.

So solve it as follows:

1. Turn on your keyboard
2. Press the "setup"-Button (under the display), so that it's lit (active).
3. Press the "global" button (Button Nr. 6), so that it's lit.
Now on the display you should see something like

Param: Fader Mod
Value: DrawBar

4. Turn the "Value"-Encoder, so that the value changes to normal.
5. Press the "Value"-Encoder
6. Turn the "Param"-Encoder until it says :

Param: KnobMode
Value: Relative

7. Turn the "Value"-Encoder, so that the value changes to absolute
8. Press the "Value"-Encoder
9. Press the "Store"-Button (Button Nr. 9)
10. Push the "Value"-Encoder
Now the keyboard will ask you, if you are sure, that you want to store the changes.
11. Push the "Value"-Encoder once again to store your changes. The "Setup"-Button-light will turn off and you're done.

Now the faders work as faders again, and the Knobs send the usual Midi Values again.

Cheersx from the hhsoullover
« Last Edit: November 03, 2011, 05:19:03 pm by hhsoullover »
Analog Laboratory, Reason 7, Cubase 4
Focusrite Scarlett 8i6, Akai MPK 49, Novation MiniNova


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2011, 05:18:01 pm »
And I thought that the MCC should be a tool to *simplify* workflow. Now I realise that it is a 1st person ego shooter with a keyboard as game controller ;D ;D


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2011, 05:20:14 pm »
And I thought that the MCC should be a tool to *simplify* workflow. Now I realise that it is a 1st person ego shooter with a keyboard as game controller ;D ;D

Arturia wants you to spend time with your controller and to get to know his inner values, so they inserted this bug. ;D
Analog Laboratory, Reason 7, Cubase 4
Focusrite Scarlett 8i6, Akai MPK 49, Novation MiniNova


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Re: Transport buttons in Ableton Live?
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2011, 01:04:47 am »
You can map the transport buttons with the Ableton Live MIDI mapping function if you select the right options via Setup and Global on the keyboard (i.e. CRTL TOGGLE for the start button plus it's correct controller number plus min/max controller values that would just extend over a middle value of 69, like min=20 and max=120), configure the keyboard as a MIDI remote in Live and save this settings - after repeating that for every transport button - as a controller set on the keyboard.

But I've also encountered that this saved setting works sometimes, sometimes not.

PLEASE ARTURIA!!!! Give us a working, bug-free MCC. I really haven't all time of the world to re-do this madness on every session!!!! It's ridiculous....


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