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Author Topic: Notes stays "ON"  (Read 6667 times)


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Notes stays "ON"
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:28:21 am »

I have looked in the forum and I can't find an answer for my problem.

When I play with my Origin, some notes stays ON, they hang as if there was a sustain.

I play from a Nord Piano, there are few parameter in the nord, so I don't think it's coming from it, and it did the same with my other MIDI controller, a PCR300 from Edirol. And in cubase/Nuendo as well. The only difference is that it takes less time with the nord, it's barely impossible to play, I have to hit the panic button every 30s.

In fact I bought the origin when it was released, and I saw the improvements Arturia made to make that little beast better than it was at the beginning but after 4 years I'm still not able to use it without having troubles of freezing (when changing program, or parameters) it's very uncomfortable to use with software as Cubase, and there's no way to use it live because it's still unstable.

I thought the last update would change my problem, and no, it's still doing the same, notes stays ON for no reason...

Sometimes I think back and I wonder why I choose the origin instead of something more pro like the Nord Stage. Maybe because it seemed really avant garde... but now i don't know if it was the good choice.

Anyway, is there some answers ? maybe i'm totally dumb and don't know anything about MIDI, but I need help, I really want it to work once and for all.



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Re: Notes stays "ON"
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 05:36:41 pm »

probably your Nord Piano does not send only MIDI notes (NOTE ON and NOTE OFF events), but also some other MIDI message that Origin can't understand.

We are aware of some problems of freeze when using Origin in combination with some master keyboards or MIDI controllers. A new firmware version that will be released in the next few days should correct most of these issues.

Unfortunately we had never heard of that problem of stuck notes before, so I guess it won't be corrected by that update.

Can you make a recording of the MIDI data that is sent to Origin to get this problem? If we get the midi file and manage to reproduce the problem here, it would be easier to solve.


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Re: Notes stays "ON"
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 10:22:53 pm »
Hi, thanks for the answers

I've been digging today on that problem, and discover that it was doing the same with an other synth when controlled by the nord piano. So I searched on the Nord forum, and found an update concerning the problem, seeing that I was not the only one concerned.

So the origin works perfectly now, expect some crashes as I said that happens sometimes when used with computer, or slaved to sequencer.

Ah the new Jupiter 8 is simply perfect !

Thank you


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Re: Notes stays "ON"
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2012, 10:07:39 pm »
I have been using Nord Piano with Origin for some time now (1,5 years). I take pads from Origin with Nord's piano sound. With that I don't remember having problems with newest Nord OS.

But this happens sometimes: some (multi-)presets seem have stuck notes with arpeggiator or perhaps O's arpeggiator stays on after releasing Nord's sustain pedal, I am not sure. It does not happen every time but sometimes, which of course makes it very unliable for a live player.

Is somebody having similar problems with arpeggiator?


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Re: Notes stays "ON"
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2012, 04:16:55 pm »
could you give me more details such as:
- the kind of preset (seems to be a MULTI)
- the play mode used on each slot (POLY_CIRC, POLY_RESET, MONO_LAST...)
- the settings of the Arpeggio(s)
- Do you try to modify the Arpeggio(s) settings while playing?

If it is a factory preset please tell me the number of this preset.
If it is not a factory preset it would help me if I could get your preset.

Origin Lead  Developer


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Re: Notes stays "ON"
« Reply #5 on: February 22, 2012, 09:46:44 am »
could you give me more details such as:
- the kind of preset (seems to be a MULTI)
- the play mode used on each slot (POLY_CIRC, POLY_RESET, MONO_LAST...)
- the settings of the Arpeggio(s)
- Do you try to modify the Arpeggio(s) settings while playing?

If it is a factory preset please tell me the number of this preset.
If it is not a factory preset it would help me if I could get your preset.



I already sent you a soundbank which has this multipreset...

Answers to questions above:
- Yes, it is a multipreset. I use to control it with my Nord Piano with MIDI ch1. There's sustain pedal involved. Same preset has a lead sound which I play with my other MIDI-keyboard with ch1
- Play modes:
       Slot 1: Mono last
       Slot 2: Mono last
       Slot 3: Poly Circle, polyphony 29
       Slot 4: Mono last
- Arpeggio (Slot 1): On, Mode:UP, 3 octaves, Sync: On, Rate: 1/16
- I don't modify arpeggio settings while I play it. Instead I use to modify effects and tempo and filters (with joystic).

Hope this helps to find out what is the problem. I understand that it's perhaps difficult to handle, because it does not happen very often...

Thank you for a great instrument!



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Re: Notes stays "ON"
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 12:18:14 am »
Yeah I'm having the same problem and have been having it since I first bought my Origin. The problem has remained throughout all the updates. It is the identical problem as originally posted here. While playing, a random note will stay "on" like It was sustained or something. It will not stop playing unless I re-tap the note on the keyboard. I use a M-Audio MidAir25. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

I can also provide video documentation if necessary.
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Re: Notes stays "ON"
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 09:16:50 am »
Please, give me a link to the video.

Origin Lead  Developer


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