I would really like to have an entire generic-remote-automation-capablity for ALL knobs, rotaries and hidden controls that exist within the miniMg v- gui. (for example the wave-form-rotaries, all knobs, the fx...)
The minimonsta of some other manufacturer also has this feature and so I always ponder to give my miniMg v away only because of this lack. But on the other hand your miniMg has this great analogue bass-sound that the minimonsta imho cannot deliver... it would be really great, if you would make it possible to have full automation.
Then I wouldn't think any longer about the minimonsta!
This would also contribute to a better controlability via Cubase's generic remote-dialogue and novation's automap (or the mapping within Studio One as well...). I always am very disappointed when I step through the miniMg v's presets and some parameters cannot be tweaked without parameter-jumps or special midi-adjustment, because no parameter-feedback is sent... An entire generic-remote-implementation would give the possibility of a total paramter-feedback on my bcr2000 and my novation nocturn, as well.
With nearly every commercial vsti-software this is possible at the moment, but only the (great!) Arturia-plugins still have some deficites in view of this.... (I would also like to have this feature for the prophet v, to be honest). Parameter-feedback is one of the real great advantages for controlling vsti (it's 2011...

So might my dream, to control a virtual Arturia miniMg v entirely with hardware-controllers come true this year? Please give it a chance, Arturia, I really love this great plugin so much
