in my research on arturia's Factory Hybrid Synth, and the other Analog Experience products, it seems that activating the product and possibly transferring the license to another computer is a major headache.
i'm very interested in the Factory Hybrid Synth but have a huge concern because i may have to reimage my drive or get a new one soon. (i'm running out of space)
i'm running a 15" MacBook Pro Unibody with 10.6.6 with 4Gbs of RAM. i am also using Logic Pro 9, Abelton Live 8, Reason 4, and Traktor Scratch Pro.
for those who use a Mac, how hard/easy was it to activate the product (and midi controller)? is it difficult to get it set up in any of the programs i listed above?
but my most important question is: if i have to get a new hard drive, or reimage the hard drive currently in use, ON THE SAME COMPUTER, do i need to re-register or re-activate The Factory Hybrid Synth? if so, what's the most efficient way of doing this?
please let me know if any of my questions are not clear. i want to avoid any possibly headaches or problems before i purchase.
oh, and if i wanted to use JUST the MIDI controller keyboard on another computer, does that computer need to have an Arturia license as well?
thanks in advance.