Is it possible to save a defaul set of cc's for parameter control when you load the synth as vst plugin? I wanted to use it in ableotn and set up the cc's in standalone mode. there it works: i open the synth and just can start to control the knobs.
in ableton i would have to map every control again when i open the plugin.
is there a way around it or am i missing a point?
Hey Rancine!
Off course it's possible to store your midi-mappings made in Live. Follow this steps:
1. Open Live
2. Load your Plugin (Prophet V)
3. Mapp your controller to the Plugin features you want to control
4. Save your changes to the default Live-Set (overwrite default template in Lives preferences) or save your changes as a new template (save as -> Ableton\Live Library\Templates)
If you save as ... choose a name for the new template and save it.
It's realy easy. If you don't know how to mapp MIDI-Controls in Live have a look at the manual.