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Author Topic: Installed latest hotfix and appalled by the quality  (Read 4747 times)


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Installed latest hotfix and appalled by the quality
« on: February 19, 2011, 06:55:12 pm »
I'm not going to mince my words here. I've been a customer of Arturia for many years and have put up with sloppy releases over that time but Analog Laboratory takes the prize for being the worst product they have yet released.

I purchased Analog Laboratory for one simple reason, I wanted a quick way to browse all of the available patches available to me across my various Arturia products in a similar manner to the way Kore allows me for NI instruments. This was functionality that I originally wanted in Analog Factory and was a tad peeved that I would have to spend yet more money on a product where 90% of the new functionality was useless to me just so I could use the Analog Laboratory patch browser to open the full version of other Arturia synths that I already owned.

I did however (through gritted teeth) take advantage of an upgrade offer which in hindsight has proved to be a complete waste of money. The bugs are too numerous to list here, but in a nutshell, when listening to a patch within Analog Laboratory, it bears no relation to the patch in the original Arturia synth. At a basic level the volume levels are much lower (even when cranking Analog Laboratory's master volume up to it's maximum level) but this is only scratches the surface of the patch differences. I've just spent the afternoon attempting to find a single patch that matched across both the Prophet & Jupiter plugs and could not find a single example where Analog Laboratory matched perfectly. I performed this test by having Analog Laboratory and the original Arturia synths on separate channels and gain matched each patch I was testing.

If the aforementioned problems were not already enough of a grievance, even simple user experience issues have yet to be resolved. For instance whenever I attempt to edit a patch with the original Arturia synth, the editing window opens up behind Analog Laboratory and can only be viewed by moving Analog Laboratory out of the way (a bug which has been reported on various occasions in this forum)

I purchased Analog Laboratory the week it came out and after a number of revisions the product is still a car crash. You need to stop developing new products until you manage to stop releasing sub standard products where paying customers are expected to wait 6 months or so until a usable (let alone fully working) version is released!

The sad thing is when your products reach maturity they really are things of beauty but the quality of your recent releases really has me questioning whether I'll ever buy an Arturia product again.



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Re: Installed latest hotfix and appalled by the quality
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2011, 01:51:05 pm »
I couldn't agree more.  I purchased this product yesterday and am severely displeased.  Not only do favorites not function, it both hard and softcrashes inside Ableton, and crashes standalone as well.  I'm finding myself writing down patches I like on Notepad so I'm not wasting time finding them again.  Additionally, I'm recording basslines to loops after I've tweaked the synth settings just to capture all the time invested before a crash.  This is still after installing 1.1.1, and I have plenty of system resources available + my other pluggins are operating flawlessly. 

I do like library of synths when they work, but I'm disappointed with the $ I spent on this prematurely released product.  I would recommend folks wait until these issues are worked out before purchasing.


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Re: Installed latest hotfix and appalled by the quality
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2011, 02:29:11 pm »
Master list of my issues is as follows:

1.  frequently hard (total program shutdown) /soft crashes (some patches
stop working) both in and outside of Ableton
2.  favorites and user saved patches don't work inside of Ableton, don't
show up in Ableton if created during standalone operation (I cannot checkmark a favorite patch in Ableton, I cannot save a patch after I've tweaked it inside of
Ableton, both do work running standalone now, didn't before 1.1.1)
3.  mod button stuck on Upper (both in Ableton and standalone)
4.  snapshots work in standalone only, not inside of Ableton


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Re: Installed latest hotfix and appalled by the quality
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2011, 02:34:45 am »
i bought laboratory, becuse i hoped it would not have the kind of bugs that made analog factory totally unusable - but it had even more bugs. it would be pretty amazing to perhaps sort these problems out instead of just launching new products. something which i mentioned to arturia and they didnt like that very much.
anyhow, like you say, too bad since the idea and some of the sounds are really amazing, but the constant crashing and annoyingness of it makes it unusable.


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Re: Installed latest hotfix and appalled by the quality
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2011, 03:26:35 pm »
I really agree... I just bought the Analogue laboratory and installed straight away the hot fix too but it doesn't seem to solve anything. I was really exited when i get it and started a track straight away with it and spent a few hours making a few patches and today when i reopened my project (on Live 8.1.5) all my patches were back to factory setting.  Even worst now every time i make a patch i loose it as soon as i close the window plug in...
It looks like this product has not even been tested in the first place, what are you doing Arturia?
I'm thinking about asking for a refund if Arturia does not come with another hot fix in the next few days as i can't even use this product.


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Re: Installed latest hotfix and appalled by the quality
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2011, 10:49:52 am »
I'll chime in here as well and admit I am surprised they would release this in it's current state (and I am starting out with 1.2). 

The honeymoon is over- this is the first product I've purchased from Arturia and was very impressed by the sounds of the different emulations.  But it is the most unstable and (as far as the controller software) undeveloped product I have ever purchased.  People say that they eventually do right and provide the fixes- I sure hope that's true because I have sold off my old controller, though now I know I would have been better off keeping my Novation to use with the software.

I was planning on purchasing the full Jupiter plug after hearing it in the Lab, but most definitely not until they give us some updates. 


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