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Author Topic: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?  (Read 16739 times)


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Hello everyone at Arturia,
Not sure if you're actually considering these kinds of requests, but I'll say it anyway:

While I enjoy the sound of the Jupiter8V very much, I do find it hard to program what with the GUI being a bit crammed. The GUI itself looks very good, but would it be possible to make it 20-30% bigger?
Because it's very easy to destroy a sound that I've made, simply by accidentally clicking somewhere.
It would also be good if the knobs and faders don't jump to where I clicked immediately, but only when I grab the control with the mouse and move it.

The preset area (when top half of GUI is open) is also quite small, it often doesn't display the full name of the preset bank or the preset, and you can only see very few presets at a time.
I know there are the category and preset selector fields on top of that, but more overview would really be welcome.

Plus, I want to override the factory presets, because they are too loud often, and in standalone mode they distort. But I can't override or delete them because they are locked. Please, can you change that too?

Thanks for having an open ear!

Anyone in support of that?


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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 12:28:49 am »
The GUI itself looks very good, but would it be possible to make it 20-30% bigger?

I would like to have that option, on all the other Arturia instruments too, actually.

impOSCar 2 will (thankfully!) have 3 GUI sizes as an option. With today's higher res and bigger screens, this is a very welcome feature, since the GUI is one of the main ways we have to interact with the virtual instrument (the other is MIDI controllers, right?).

While checking ARP2600V I also had to try Way Out Ware's TimewARP 2600, and I actually enjoyed the bigger GUI it had (also enjoyed the more sane wires).

I still prefer Arturia's ARP2600V extra features (that's why I bought it) but I clearly noticed an usability improvement when using the bit larger GUI, at least it would be good to see as an available option, so users still needing or comfortable with the current size won't miss it.

...and, speaking of GUI's, I must confess I'm a bit spoiled by the natural and responsive wire "physics behavior/animation" algorithm of Propellerhead's Reason/Record (I own both), so, I just have to mention that too... the virtual wires.

Also, Arturia's ARP2600V and Mg Modular V's virtual cables should simply turn transparent when the mouse hovers, instead of that cute but a bit distracting movement of getting out of the way so we can see what's behind/below the cables.

I missed a solution to that (getting the cables out of the way) when trying TimewARP 2600, so Arturia did well about finding a solution, but the sluggish animation and unnatural "physics" behavior becomes a problem, so maybe having an option for the hovered wire to become transparent would be a good alternative, IMHO... if possible.

Sorry to nag about the GUI, but that's all we got left to nag, since you (Arturia) seem to hit the nail right in the sound department with TAE ;)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 12:34:00 am by Koshdukai »


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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2011, 03:56:36 am »
I second this notion. I would be sooooo stoked if the Jupiter-8V had a larger interface, its quite difficult to program with a mouse, and difficult to see even when controlling with a midi controller.

I actually zoom in using OSX to fill the screen with the interface, and even then, theres just not enough pixels to give good visual feedback, and clarity of the interface.

Arturia does such a good job at everything else, that it doesn't make me annoyed at them, but this would be such an awesome feature. I'm sure it would be appreciated by all, including new customers!


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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2011, 04:37:11 pm »

Yes to larger GUI settings.....I am not one to sit close to the LCD screen, so a touch more real estate on all Arturia Synths would be a good consideration for the users.


Krzysztof Szychowski


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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2012, 09:59:21 am »
i would also love the option to have a larger GUI as well as the ability to rid myself of the factory presets (this applies to all synths, actually)...
can't wait for the v2.5 !


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As somebody else mentioned before. Arturia is good at sound but UI is always a challenge for them. Especially everything outside the synth emulation. For instance the MIDI learn function is a nightmare.
If you use NRPN and you use midi learn. You have to change the knob until you don't get the CC 38. Manually is also hard because the dropdowns are long lists and do no position to the current settings.



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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 07:13:10 am »
+ 1,000


Hi everybody, my first post!  Some of you may know my from Ableton as Linear Phase, and others may know me from Renoise as 2 daze j.  Others probably know me from KVR as Banned from KVRaudio!

I sure am.. lol...

Anyways, I just purchased my first Arturia Product last night, and I'm waiting on my Authorizations, so I figured I'd cruise the old forum.

Now I purchased the Spark VDM, but I'm considering this Jupiter-8V, and right now I'm doing some A - B comparisons with Demo Jupiter and Demo Diva.

um...  A big GUI would close the deal for me and basically, because my dream is to learn and not collect my software, I really rarely buy synths...  Erm, unless I have to..  for example, "the Spark VDM."

In my A - B comparisons of Jupiter vs Diva of come to these conlusions:

1.  Jupiter has a better low end.
2.  Jupiter has a silkier mid range.
3.  Jupiter has way more features, that make perfect sense for a software, and not just a VA.
4.  Jupiter is far better, indescribably better, on CPU.

5.  Diva has a more ergonomic, easier to use and see GUI
6.  Diva does not use Syncrosoft..  ( I'm well aware I just bought Spark VDM, and I am dealing with the Syncrosoft, but I just want to add..  Your lucky!  This syncrosoft stuff is terrible, and its only because the products are so great, that I would deal with it. )

So as you can see..  During my A - B comparisons, I am really leaning toward Jupiter, but will definitely be spending a little more time comparing these tools, cause I just want to make sure, that there are not things in Diva's sound quality, that I am missing...

Wow..  That's a mouthful..  Least to say, "I'd sure like to see a bigger GUI with the Jupiter..  Its a difficult synth to see, and I'm using a 21.4 inch wide screen!

You know..  I think as music producers, our eyes get shot?  huh..   Maybe I get glasses and the Jupiter LOL


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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2012, 02:56:11 pm »
Indeed... I know it's a bit hard to keep up with all user feature suggestions while trying to keep the code usable on modern DAWs (VST3, 64bit, etc) but... most of Arturia synths would benefit from an overall upgrade (improvement in size) to the GUI due to the screen size and ppi increase tendency (*cof* Retina *cof* ;))

There's a lot going on at GUI level that some companies are already making sure they will stay on top of the game with all the latest hardware (display/touch) improvements so... it's never too soon to at least start thinking about these improvements.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 06:41:02 pm by Koshdukai »


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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2012, 06:24:14 pm »
I agreeeeee!

 - would love to have larger GUI's on ALL the Analog Classics from Arturia



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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2012, 05:49:41 pm »
A workaround that I find useful is to set my 2nd monitor to 1280 res so the synths controls are larger, but you have to have 2 monitors for this to work :(


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    • Armadillosound
Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2013, 11:20:21 am »
I'd like to see a larger gui too.
It's too small and fiddly as it is.
Please make the gui bigger or resizable.


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Re: Larger GUI? and less fiddly preset area? and unlock factory presets?
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2013, 01:56:55 am »
+1 for the larger gui!


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