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Author Topic: analog Lab crippling my cpu  (Read 4258 times)


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analog Lab crippling my cpu
« on: December 16, 2010, 01:33:13 pm »
Anyone else experiencing this?

Even if it's the only plugin I have open in Ableton, most of the patches practically kill my machine
(core2duo 1.66) I know it's says requirement is 2ghz, but I thought having 2 cores would help & analog factory works just fine.

I hope this is can be sorted in an update as this seems rather a steep requirement, having more than one instance open on even quite a powerful machine may cause problems!


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Re: analog Lab crippling my cpu
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2010, 06:33:32 pm »
Depends on your RAM aswell. A 1.66 Ghz Core2Duo is a little on the low end.
With a +2 Ghz dual/quad core processor and 4GB of RAM applications like these
should run alot smoother and I don't think its that steep of a requirment for a music
enthousiast. Also if you don't have a sound interface that might be something you'd
want to considder to get the best performance & sound.


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Re: analog Lab crippling my cpu
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 11:52:03 am »
I do have an external prosonus firewire interface, I have analog factory and this runs fine, Lab doesn't seem to be using as much RAM as CPU.  I'm just a bit concerned that even if I did upgrade my PC to one twice as powerful (which a dual core 2hz isn't) if I can't even run one instance without problems at the moment I don't think it would be worth investing in a system that would possibly just help me run one instance of VST a bit better-  as at the moment my system runs several instances of every other plugin I have with out too much difficulty!


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