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Author Topic: ARP Oscillator waveforms  (Read 3484 times)


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ARP Oscillator waveforms
« on: October 10, 2010, 01:11:57 pm »
Hi All,

I'm just test driving the ARP 2600 and am wondering how to select the waveform for each oscillator. It's obvious with the MiniMg and CS-80 and Mod Mg, but I see no selector switch on the Arp. Is the default setting a sine wave? Also, I'm wavering between the Mg Modular and Arp, anyone out there with both have a preference?

The main problem with the ARP for me is determining what the hard wired settings are for the Arp. With the Mg modular, you start from scratch and know exactly what patches you are making. I think it's a real drawback that there is no waveform option on the oscillators for the ARP.

Many thanks,

Tim  :)


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Re: ARP Oscillator waveforms
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2010, 08:18:47 pm »
Hey Tim,
 The normaled (hard wired) connections for the Arp V are marked on the panel as a small box beneath an attenuator or patch point. You can patch any other output to an input, this will break the normaled connection. Check the 2nd-4th attenuators in the VCF section they are the normaled outs from the OSC's to the filter. If you want a different waveform run a patch cord from the OSC waveform out ( the patch points are located in each OSC section and marked accordingly) to an input attenuator in the VCF mixer. 
Yeah, it's a little different set-up compared to the MMV( I've owned many ARP's Oysseys and 2600 and a Mg IIc), but certainly very flexiable and back in the day the normaled patch points made for fast sound changes and less cable clutter. Not that this affects us now, just remembering......
Which you choose should be the one that sounds most like what you are after and most comfortable with setting up.

Have fun


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