Thanks for the reply. I did try the blank (actually don't think there was a blank, just 1 osc). That's what started the issue. Even patching directly from a VCO to VCA2 didn't work. Patching to VCA1 always works.
I then loaded random patches until I found one that was using VCA2. I removed all patches and tried to use that as a blank, but VCA2 no longer worked once I removed all other connections.
As long as I don't completely strip connections, VCA2 will continue to be available. But, I can't start from a blank configuration and use VCA2. Is this a bug, or is there a pathing issue I don't quite get?
Also, sending LFO to Filterx reso doesn't seem to work? The patch cable looks like it's going to the back of the unit, but the LFO doesn't affect reso.
This is probably just noobie blues, but maybe someone has gone through this struggle before.