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Author Topic: Off-line Authorization?  (Read 9166 times)


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Off-line Authorization?
« on: July 20, 2010, 02:55:34 am »

I posted a question concerning off-line registration in the technical issues area of the CS80V forum.  I haven't received any suggestions and I was hoping an Arturia administrator might take a look at my question.

I own CS80V 1.6 and would like to upgrade to V2, but my DAW computer is not on-line.  At this point, I assume that upgrading is not possible, although I already own a Steinberg/Syncrosoft key and my home computer is on the internet?  If that's the case, then any future purchases of Arturia products would not be feasible for me?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you.


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Re: Off-line Authorization?
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 09:14:04 am »
Hi Meason 54,

You can work on an off-line computer without any problem. However if you want to work with the last updates you'll need:
- an USB key or external hard drive
- an eLicenser dongle
- a second computer connected to the internet

The process is very easy even if this step by step guide can look a little geeky!

Here we go:

First, register your CS-80V on Arturia web site.

Still on the on-line computer, go download the updates files of the CS-80V.
Don't install this file but save it on an external hard drive or USB key (don't worry, updates are the full softwares).

Then on the same computer go download the eLicenser program. Don't install it. Save it to your external hard drive or USB key.
This same program you just saved on your external hard drive, install it on the on-line computer.
When installed, open it. Press the "enter activation code" green button. Enter the activations codes you that was given to you when registering your CS-80V (this will download you license to your eLicenser dongle).

Then go to your off-line computer. Plug your external hard drive or USB key. Install in this strict order:
1. CS-80V
2. eLicenser Control Center

Now you have everything installed but you need to transfer your licenses from the on-line to the off-line computer.

To transfer you will need an USB-eLicenser dongle (the famous "Steinberg Key", sold separately). Transfer the license onto by a simple drag-and-drop in the eLicenser Control Center.
This little video show the simple process:
==> (around 2:44)

USB-eLicenser dongles are also used by editors such as Steinberg or Korg. If you don't own any, you may either purchase one from our on-line store:
...or from any decent music shop, especially Steinberg or Korg resellers.

If you know anyone who has a compatible USB dongle, you don't have to buy one, you can borrow it to transfer the Arturia license from the old computer to the dongle, and then from the dongle to the new computer.

Then plug your USB-eLicenser dongle to the off-line computer.

Everything should be OK!
Denis / Arturia Tech. Support


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Re: Off-line Authorization?
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 02:52:10 am »
Hi Denis,

Thank you so much for your kind reply!  Your help and detailed directions are most helpful.  I will give this a try and look forward to trying out V2.  I'm already enjoying 1.6 very much.

Thank you again for your kindness and the time you took to help me.



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