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Author Topic: Some CS-80V2 quirks  (Read 4951 times)


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Some CS-80V2 quirks
« on: March 17, 2010, 05:37:10 am »
I've just purchased CS-80V and have updated to CS-80V2 and have noticed some quirks (bugs?).

First, CS-80V2 doesn't respond to MIDI CC6 (CS-80V does).  It responds to all the other MIDI controllers I've tried. It's not a major issue, but puzzling nonetheless.

Second, the text inside the Modulation Matrix is pixellated and almost unreadable. This is in contrast to CS-80V where the text is clear and easily readable.

I'm wondering if this is universal or just a problem with my setup (MacBook Pro 17" 2.4Ghz) or just to my system (10.6.2).  Perhaps I'm missing a particular font.

Third, I've noticed that many of the presets sound slightly different when played on CS-80V2  than they do on CS-80V.  Again this is not a major issue - it could almost be considered a positive to have access to 2 different versions of the same sound.  I'm just wondering what other people's reaction to this is.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2010, 07:26:37 am by reddog »


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Re: Some CS-80V2 quirks
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 02:18:31 pm »
I've just purchased CS-80V and have updated to CS-80V2 and have noticed some quirks (bugs?).

First, CS-80V2 doesn't respond to MIDI CC6 (CS-80V does).  It responds to all the other MIDI controllers I've tried. It's not a major issue, but puzzling nonetheless.

I noticed this too.  I think you'll find that CC98 and 99 also don't work as before.  I believe it is because Version 2 now supports NRPN's.  I can't remember now, but 100 and 101 may also be blocked as they are used for RPN's.  I may be wrong about 100 and 101, but you can check and if they don't work, that's why.  Here's info on NRPN and RPN.
If you have hardware that can transmit NRPN's it opens up a vast number of CC's with which to control CS-80V--more than we'll ever need. 


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Re: Some CS-80V2 quirks
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2010, 02:30:45 am »
Thanks for clearly up that mystery bg.

Yes, you're right, CCs 98,99,100 and 101 don't respond either.

I haven't tried NRPNs, so I'll have to do a little experimenting.

I'd still like to know how the text appears in other people's Modulation Matrix though.


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Re: Some CS-80V2 quirks
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2010, 03:25:06 pm »
I'd still like to know how the text appears in other people's Modulation Matrix though.

The modulation matrix works the way it should under OSX 10.5.8


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Re: Some CS-80V2 quirks
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 02:28:38 am »
Thanks for your response, onewave.

Maybe it's a Snow Leopard thing. Or I'm missing a system font.


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