It could have been called "control voltage processor" in a real analog synth. It provides you with some actions on a modulation signal that you wouldn't be able to do without this module. We decided to introduce this module in the 1.0 firmware because it wasn't possible then to assign controller (screen encoder or MIDI CC) to a connexion gain. Also it wasn't possible to modulate a connexion gain eg by connecting a LFO to this gain.
To workaround these limitations we added the CVModulator module which provides parameters that you can assign to controllers and inputs that you can connect to modulation sources.
What transformation you can apply to a CV is shown by the diagram on the left that appears when you zoom the CVModulator : AM offset, gain, DC offset, modulation...
AM offset adds a constant "voltage" to the AM input.
This "offseted" AM modulates the amplitude of the input signal.
The gain is applied to the modulated input.
DC offset adds a constant "voltage" to the CVModulator output.
With 1.1 version it is now possible to assign a controller to a connexion attribute (gain and polarity) so that you can automate the gain for instance. It is still not possible to modulate the connexion gain (it would have been overly complicated for us to do that).
What does that mean for a sound designer ? That you could replace a CVModulator by a simple connexions as long as you don't need to modulate the gain (and of course that you don't need the extra parameters of the CVModulator).