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Author Topic: AF 2.2.1 standalone no sound  (Read 2762 times)


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AF 2.2.1 standalone no sound
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:42:09 am »
Although I guess this issue belongs to my audio interface's behavior, I hope someone can help me.

AF 2.2.1 sound is killed. As Asio Outputs I can select out of 8 Outputs, which belong to my Konnekt 24D Audio-Interface. For curiosity the names are not shown correctly, they are only shown by number. I can play a sound as long as the asio prereferences in AF are opened. Closing the window and going back to the main view, the sound hangs or is killed. I tried different buffers etc... no change.

I could live with that but the demo version of AF works well. The VST Plugin of AF works fine for me.

Any clue?


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