I don't think we'll see plain serial numbers again - Arturia is just about to switch all synths from serial codes to dongle.
I can live with the dongle - it's still better than challenge response activation and not tied to a certain PC or online service - so going to another machine is less hassle.
Basically eLicenser allows to transfer the license to a machines HD too, then you also don't need the dongle any more - just not sure if Arturia supports this option with its licenses - anyway, I think a HD crash is more likely than a eLicenser malfunction and an eLicenser is also simpler to replace.
Finally dongles aren't the most convenient solution for users but it's the lesser evil to other remaining options. Arturia does wonderful software and if that's the way to make them survive I'll accept it.
Of course I would also like lower prices for individual synths - closer to the split of a collection package - i.e. less than 100€ each - but Arturia has to decide... My impression is that analog factory is a huge success and provides what many people like. The full versions for the tweakers are unfortunately more expensive...
...just some thoughts...