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Author Topic: Lynx Aurora 16 + LTFW crackling with 2600V and 2600V2  (Read 2407 times)


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Lynx Aurora 16 + LTFW crackling with 2600V and 2600V2
« on: January 08, 2010, 07:49:21 pm »
We've experienced an odd problem with our Lynx Aurora 16 with the Firewire option installed.

Instanciating the 2600v (and later) the 2600V2 causes lots of cracking... sometimes to the point that the main out sounds like its running through a bit crusher or ring mod.  This happens more so at lower latencies (32 samples-garbled, 64 samples-bitcrushed, 128 snap-crackle-pops).  It's a Mac 8 core with 6 gigs of RAM.  It can handle 32 tracks of audio with 200+ plugins while running 4 instances of stylus rmx, and Mg modular v2 and 16 native logic instruments.  But bring in the 2600V on a song with just a couple tracks... and its crackling all the time.

Tried playback on an RME Fireface 800... problem is gone.

The Aurora sounds amazing, and so does the 2600V, but one has to go...or be resolved.

Any ideas?


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