When i use an external midi keyboard, there is a slight delay before the note sounds. This really messes me up because my fingers and ears aren't in sync. When i lower the latency to about 50, the timing is better, but it sounds like the beginning of the note is a little chopped off or forced. no matter where i lower the latenct to this happens.
Why is this even a problem? I finally found the ultimate soft synth sound wise, but the latency issue really bothers me. So much that I don't even want to use it.
I downloaded the CS-80 demo and the latency problem is the same. But let me tell you i think the CS-80 is amazing sonically!!! Now the MiniMg is coming out and i'm sure i will want that too.
Please tell me the latency problem can be corrected without lowering it in the preferences. Because i swear that it effects the sound. I really excited about all of the software otherwise.