The Virus TI is a powerful synthesizer, no doubt on it. For however searches a fixed synthesis architecture, with comfortable modulation capabilities, it really is a nice tool, and also are other well-known red synths from Northern Europe, among others.
But these are really "classical": not pejorative words, simply a fact, these are powerful but fixed structure synthesizers.
Origin radically is different: *you* are encouraged to create your synthesis line from scratch or from simple patches, with elements *you* can stack and route in any order *you* decide. Apart from the fact that theses elements are modeled from the beloved analog monsters, but also Arturia original and innovative modules, Origin simply is
the sole synthesizer in the world to be able to do so, and we rendered it so easy even for the newcomers to synthesis. And the upcoming new modules (still under heavy tests) are even more extending the sound capabilities of Origin.
Origin has been publicly released slightly more than 6 months ago, the first Virus has been released in 1997. No doubt the second one is a bit more "mature", but how long did it take to have a stable firmware? How long did it take to get a "usable" Total Integration? Again, no denigration here, just a remind.
So bad you experienced "awful" support in the past, even if I cannot trace such literal experience in our database; however in 2009 we received only one inquiry from you (during MiniMg-V 2.0 Beta Test period), which was handled and responded same day. And updates are being released regularly, even if you might find them too spaced (major updates instead of minor bug fixes). Little by little this is evolving, moreover a bunch of updates are coming (end of summer'09).