Just to be clear about the new templates:
Anything you can build with a template can also be created using the individual modules - correct?
Well, yes and no....
It is true that the underlying modular structure of a template is built upon available modules, but we need in some cases - eg for multi output oscillators - to manage something that I call a "multi-oscillator" which is made of a master "single" oscillator bound to some slave "single" oscillators. This because the Oscillator module cannot generate more than one wave at a time. That construction - the "multi-oscillator" is not (yet) available in a modular patch. The difficulty with this is to provide a non cumbersome GUI that would allows a user to build its own "multi-oscillator".
We may also choose to implement some specific features with specific code although we try not to do that because we want to be able at some time to export a template preset to a "modular" preset which requires that everything used in the template can be managed in a "modular" patch.
Will there be a development tool that allows users to create their own templates? - please!!!
Not likely. The architecture requires a recompilation of the UI software when you add a new feature.