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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Important Notice  (Read 122365 times)


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Important Notice
« on: June 13, 2003, 03:05:12 pm »
Ask your technical questions here and get feedback from other users.

If you really need to contact the arturia team for technical support, there's only one place to go : http://www.arturia.com/en/techsupport.html

Thanks for your understanding


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Fine, but Tech Support needs to Respond.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2003, 10:04:23 pm »
I'm fine with being asked to contact tech support with issues. However, if you ask me to do that, I think it's reasonable to expect a response within, say, a week? My inquiries were pre-sales; I want to buy your software, but how can I justify that when I can't even get a response to an email?


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User Support
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2004, 09:24:33 pm »
I tried to get help by using the officially contact formular because my V1.2 update-prob. That is now almost 3 weeks ago. No response - that sucks!!!


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problem Mg V and CS 80 V with FL-Studio ....
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2004, 06:01:26 pm »
ok, I post more then one time that problem, I mail it directly to your supportmailadress month before. I called the german support and more, there is no answere.

Your support is .... ..... forget it ..... .....

I lost many money because i bought your VSTīs and Iīm  very :evil:


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problem Mg V and CS 80 V with FL-Studio ....
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2004, 06:01:59 pm »
ok, I post more then one time that problem, I mail it directly to your supportmailadress month before. I called the german support and more, there is no answere.

Your support is .... ..... forget it ..... .....

I lost many money because i bought your VSTīs and Iīm  very :evil:


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problem Mg V and CS 80 V with FL-Studio ....
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2004, 06:02:22 pm »
ok, I post more then one time that problem, I mail it directly to your supportmailadress month before. I called the german support and more, there is no answere.

Your support is .... ..... forget it ..... .....

I lost many money because i bought your VSTīs and Iīm  very :evil:


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problem Mg V and CS 80 V with FL-Studio ....
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2004, 06:03:04 pm »
ok, I post more then one time that problem, I mail it directly to your supportmailadress month before. I called the german support and more, there is no answere.

Your support is .... ..... forget it ..... .....

I lost many money because i bought your VSTīs and Iīm  very :evil:


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problem Mg V and CS 80 V with FL-Studio ....
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2004, 06:03:27 pm »
ok, I post more then one time that problem, I mail it directly to your supportmailadress month before. I called the german support and more, there is no answere.

Your support is .... ..... forget it ..... .....

I lost many money because i bought your VSTīs and Iīm  very :evil:

Unhappy User

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Good idea but Unprofessional company
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2004, 07:41:41 am »
I was thinking about purchasing the Arturia product line for my studio, but have decided not to, because of a very disappointing lack of technical support.
I was not able to get the demo version of the the Mg or CS-80V to work with my protools system, and after waiting many weeks for technical support to reply, they replied with  "please download the latest upgrade". After I informed them I was still having problems, I got no further reply.
I've read many complaints on this forum, and would advise anyone wishing to purchase this product to think twice. Anyone who is having or has had problems should post a message or email the company to let them know that this is not acceptable.
This is yet another example of a good idea, implemented badly, with lack of testing and support. Obviously an attempt to make maximum profit with minimum expenditure.


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Chill & Be Patient!
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2004, 08:25:08 pm »
Cut 'em some slack, they just moved from cramped quarters to new office space and they're probably still sorting things out.

I beg to differ re implementation, I think the Arturians have done a wonderful job with the MMV.

-A satisfied user


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« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2006, 10:29:09 am »
Quote from: "doctec"
I beg to differ re implementation, I think the Arturians have done a wonderful job with the MMV.

-A satisfied user

"Arturians have done a wonderful job with MMV"?  Apparently you haven't read my bug list.  It could take a long time to read because it's so damn long.  Nothing wonderful about this:



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Important Notice
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2007, 07:28:28 pm »
You are responding to a comment I made a full two years before your response.  Yeah, there are many things wrong with the MMV but there are also some great things about it as well.  Arturia certainly seems to put more importance on getting new products out the door than fixing problems with existing products.  Maybe someday they'll get around to it (I sure hope so!).  In the meantime and despite the MMV's shortcomings, I'm still having great fun with it.


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Important Notice
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2007, 12:40:33 pm »
Agreed. To put Kenneth Elhardt's comment in context, he put massive amounts of effort into complaining about every tiny issue he could find, as he always does, and blew things massively out of proportion.

Some of his comments related to comparisons with the original Mg modular, which surprised me considering the issues he'd certainly have with a `real' modular in hardware.

Then he went on the Mg website and tried kicking up a fuss there, including a personal attack on a very well respected person in the business. As well as being totally refuted over that, it was also confirmed that he has absoluterly no experience whatever with the Mg modular.

Suspicions confirmed.

Despite some very genuine grievances people have with Arturia, the MMV is a brilliant piece of software.


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Important Notice
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2007, 10:45:44 am »
Excuse me, but there are some people who have said that MMV is not usable because of just one or two problems they've found.  I've found tons of them and I'm still supposed to think it's a good product?  You have been at this since day one. You ignore everybody else but jump on my back. I have no idea why.  About 2/3's of the modules have problems, and some many problems, in addition to other general problems with the synth.  It's one very sloppy piece of programming.  I don't know why you keep defending it.  You want it full of bugs, but I don't.  I didn't buy it to hook up simple MiniMg sounds.  The bugs that are in there have hindered me every step of the way from programming it to performing with it.

And I don't get your comment about my comparing it to a real Mg modular.  It's supposed to be emulating a Mg Modular however, and the main problem there is the Arturia envelope shapes.  They're not like any real analog.  I have real modular synths and I don't have any problems with them except for an MOTM envelope voltage climbing problem.  Now imagine if real hardware modulars have problems with 2/3's of the system.  Nobody would except that.

And as far the Mg website, I stepped in to defend myself against lies said about me.  Some of the bullshit Kevin Lighter has put out on AH, in private mail and elsewhere is ridiculous.  I have to get back to that thread, but nothing I say can be refuted because I'm dealing with REAL MEASUREMENTS NOT SPECULATION.  Sounds like you don't get that.  Kevin Lightner kept trying to make up theories about the Mg VCO's and when he was shown to be wrong he would just come up with another until he couldn't go any further.  That's when he blew up.  Geezus Christ, I couldn't have made my case more clear there.  Just as 2+2=4, there isn't anything to refute.  They also failed listening tests.  Kevin Lightner claims the Mg has more jitter than all other oscillators that's why it sounds so good, but it DOESN"T.  IT HAS LESS.  That's called a FACT.  What part of that don't you get?  Perhaps it's a reading comprehension problem.  And then with you being wrong have the nerve to come on this board and act as if I'm wrong.  Ridiculous.  But you'll go down for the record from now on thinking that smaller numbers are greater in value than larger numbers.

That's right folks, Sweep now thinks 2.1 is greather than 6.3.  Ridiculous.

And Kevin Lightner in his smear campaign also went at odds with Juergen Haible, a respected synth and circuit designer.  What happens when a person can't discuss actual facts and admit they're wrong, then they blow up with childish name calling and resort to diversionary tatics.  Anybody with an IQ of at least 60 can see through it.


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Important Notice
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2007, 12:47:42 pm »
You always come out with this crap about people making MiniMg sounds, as if everyone who makes music with this instrument only does that.

For your information, I have a Mg Voyager sitting next to my computer, and I also have the Arturia MiniMg V.  I definitely didn't buy the Modular V to make MiniMg sounds, and I have literally hundreds of Modular V patches that would be impossible on a MiniMg. But you know nothing about the music I make and you're just making wild assuptions based on nothing.

Your slurs and smears against other people are both belittling and stupid.

As for Kevin Lightner, there are good reasons why he's very highly respected in the music business.  When professional musicans need synth repairs, many of them go to Kevin Lightner. The list of highly respected musicians who are his customers is a very long one.

I've seen your attacks and slurs against him on several sites. The fact is, he continues to be well-respected and highly valued. He has enough respected people coming to him with work that he's had to close his books to new work. I'm not suggesting he's right about everything, and nor do I want to take sides in any personal campaign you may have. But there are good reasons why Kevin Lightner is well respected, and I don't see you getting that level of respect. (Maybe that has something to do with your attacks on him?)

Next time I'm on here I'll post the link to the Mg discussion where your attempts to argue your case were refuted.

Usually I don't waste my time with you, and I've unsubscribed from a couple of discussion groups where you've bogged things down with your timewasting assertions, but I really don't want to see you putting people off a good instrument. While you moan about the MMV being unplayable, other people are playing it, making music.


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