January 14, 2025, 02:42:35 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Pro tools 8 and Analog factory problem (pro tools crash when inserting AF)  (Read 4021 times)


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I had problems with arturia analog factory (the version that comes with the digidesign 003 factory bundle)... When I inserted Analog factory as a plugin in pro tools 8, pro tools was crashing all the time... I've done some testing and I noticed that it happens only when I check the "FAV." boxes, to keep my favorite plugins organized... I think the problem comes from the "preferred.prefs" file in my AnalogFactory preferences folder (in the Library/application support/preferences/AnalogFactory  folder)... When this file is present in my preferences folder, I can't run AF as a plugin in pro tools, but if I delete this file, everything works fine, but I lose my favorite sounds list... I send you a link that describes the problem and the solution on the digidesign user community forum (look at the bottom of the page)...


Could you please fix this problem? I was using the favorites option to keep my favorite sounds organized, but now I can't... It's quite annoying...

Here are my specs: Macbook pro 2.5Ghz core 2 DUO (early 2008 model), 2Go Ram, Mac OSX 10.5.6, Pro tools LE 8 with a 003 console.



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