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Author Topic: cannot use AFE in cubase vst32/5  (Read 3297 times)


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cannot use AFE in cubase vst32/5
« on: January 06, 2009, 03:41:15 pm »
When i place the AnalogFactory.DLL file in de VST folder of Cubase VST32/5 the following problems occur:
When starting up Cubase VTS32/5, AFE also gives it starting up window =>
1) Error [0000] unknown request, i must click OK to proceed => Cubase opens;
i select via panels -> VST instruments -> Analog Factory
2) Error [0000] unknown request, i must click OK to proceed => Error n°3
3) Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library - Runtime Error -
Program: C:\program files\Steinberg\CubaseVST32\cubase.exe abnormal program termination => CUBASE VST32/5 SHUTS DOWN

i have at same time the "The Komplete Classics" package from Native Instruments on my system and experienced NO problems at all with integration in Cubase VST32/5.

Any suggestions are more than welcome.


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