I have NO idea how well Arturia's synth plugs are doing...but, Storm has the potential
to exceed the combined lot.
By releasing Storm3, for free... this will create a massive stir that would make storm hit
markets it never knew previously.
People who never heard of this program would suddenly become AWARE of it's existence.
This would create FREE marketing for Arturia. Everyone would know about it because it would be posted on KVR, YOUTUBE, Computer Music mag, as well as other mags.
Download.com and Basically everywhere imaginable!
Making this freeware... would do far more for this company than it ever did as payware.
After the massive buzz and interest has been created; this would open the door for Storm4. Upon which, would have instant sales and high demand that previously versions never had.
Not everyone is interested in synth plugs. Music DAWS are in far greater demand and plugs have no use without them. It takes a FORWARD thinking company to see the light!