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Author Topic: potential buyer and Q  (Read 3380 times)


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potential buyer and Q
« on: October 06, 2008, 12:40:22 am »
first i have a sequencer Q, 3main and 3sub(3sub seqs) per program right?
can i have one osciilator, reciving notes from diffrent seqs?
can the subseqs also have diffrent rates? 16th:s/32th:s etc? the three "main" seqs can have run in diffrent rates right?
can lets say.. one osc reciving notes from many sources(seqs)
when working in multimode, can i still edit one of the four programs in multimode?
im about to buy one of these, and let me tell you, it will the first VA synth a buy in years!
it sound amazing!!! :o
also a last Q the prophet VS emulation has 96 waveforms, but no way to modulate(wavesequense) through the waveforms with a lfo or a sequenser??
peace out from sweden..
peter sedin


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Re: potential buyer and Q
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2008, 01:26:20 pm »
You can load 1 program (SINGLE mode) or up to 4 programs (MULTI mode). In both modes (SINGLE and MULTI) you can use 1 sequencer for EACH program (that is up to 4 sequencers simultaneously in MULTI mode).

Each sequencer provides you with 3 sub-patterns. The 3 sub-patterns of a given sequencer run at the same rate. When in MULTI mode you can have the 4 sequencers running at different rates, however the default setting is that all 4 sequencers are synched to the machine BPM.

Each one of these sub-patterns provides 3 outputs:
1- an analog STEP output: this is the step value that you can edit using one of the 16 black knobs at the bottom of the Origin front panel. This output can be quantized or not.
2- an analog ACCENT output which is a 2 segment (AR) envelope. This simple envelope can be started on any step of the sub-pattern and on multiple steps as well.
3- a GATE/TRIGG output. This GATE signal can be activated on any step of the sub-pattern and on multiple steps as well. Activating the GATE/TRIGG on consecutive steps leads either to a continuous signal, or to a chopped signal depending on the "step length" parameter (not to be confused with the sequence length). This parameter would be better named "step width" because it is indeed a PW setting on the GATE output.

Additionnaly you can set a glide between any 2 consecutive STEP outputs.

Any "analog" sub-pattern outputs (STEP and ACCENT) can be connected to any modulation input of a module within the patch. If you wish so you could connect the SEQ1 STEP outputs to the FM input of an oscillator. If you set the "quantized" attribute for this STEP output. You would then obtain a variation of the osc frequency in semi-tones (similar to a MONO legato program). You can also connect 2 (or 3) STEP outputs to one osc FM input. Then these inputs are added which means to take an example that if the 2 STEP outputs are equal you will get an osc frequency one octave higher.

Possibilties are nearly limitless.

When in MULTI mode, you can edit any program loaded as part of the multi. Modifications you made can be saved when you save your multi either in the same program(s) or in new copies of the original programs.

It is not possible in the 1st release of Origin to morph between all the 96 waves. You can however morph between 4 waves using the JoyMixer module.

We may add such a feature in an upcoming upgrade or we may not... Anyway, this is an interesting suggestion and we'll have a look at it.

Philippe Wicker
Lead developer Origin

Origin Lead  Developer


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