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Author Topic: Propet V Installation Issues for newbie  (Read 2790 times)


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Propet V Installation Issues for newbie
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:04:38 am »
I have just bought Arturia Prophet V second hand off ebay and am having a few roblems
with the installation. I guess in some ways I didn't do my homework as fully as I could and now am paying the price!

I have two questions:

1. I have installed Prophet V correctly but when I install the licensing software I get
to a certain stage in the installation and an error occurs where by it says it cannot
continue because there is nothing to install. There are some objects displayed in
the installation window but next to them 'Skip' is shown and I can't change this.

FYI I have Cubase Essential 4 installed on my machine that requires a dongle and
works fine if that makes any difference. Obviously, because the software is second
hand the previous owner has registered it on their machine does anyone know if
I have to transfer liceses - reregister or something?
I've looked at the manual and checked the forum but can't really find any answers.

2. When I installed the Prophet V I looked at the info window and saw it was V1.0 and
next to it - it says it is a 'PowerPC' product - I have an Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro
and thus ideally it should be 'Universal Binary'. I had enourmous problems using an old
version of Cubase on my Mac and in the end had to upgrade to Cubase Essential 4
because my old version was a 'PowerPC' product and struggled to work properly. I have
downloaded the latest patch for the Prophet but as I can't run it I'm not sure if the
latest patch will work. On the website it says V1.1 is made for Intel Macs so I'm
hoping this will fix it. Does anybody have any experience with this?

Thanks for your help, as you can probably tell I'm bit green when it comes to all this
so sorry if my questions are lame


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