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Author Topic: New to Analog Factory (and Arturia for that matter)  (Read 3840 times)


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New to Analog Factory (and Arturia for that matter)
« on: February 22, 2008, 09:04:36 am »
Greetings, I have recently ordered AF 2.0 and after doing so, have read more than a few horror stories on these here forums, with AF 2.0 and the Syncrosoft "soft eLicenser :?

So it would seem that when my box does arrive, perhaps it would be a good idea to wait until the update of the Syncrosoft License Control Center. Which "according to support", should be out this month and allow for transferring of Soft-eLicenser to USB-eLicenser and allow me to transfer the license to my Steinberg dongle... also "according to support".

Ok my first question....has anyone here transfered their license to a Steinberg dongle ? and if so does it work ok ?
Also to my understanding, the computer that AF is installed onto "MUST" be connected to the Internet ( which mine is not :? ) to activate the program ?

So the correct way for me to install AF, would be to wait for the update of the Syncrosoft License Control Center, then connect my computer up to the the Internet (which is going to be a pain in the arse :roll:)
activate AF, and then transfer my license to my Steinberg dongle and pray like hell it all works, does this sound about right ?

Hey Arturia you think you could make things less bleedin' complicated ?   i just want to make some music not perform brain surgery :wink:.

Anyway I would greatly appreciate any and all help from you AF vets here 8)




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« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 11:43:31 pm »
"the computer that AF is installed onto "MUST" be connected to the Internet ( which mine is not  ) to activate the program ? "

Exactly right, and like you, my mac is not connected to the net so I have a useless product.



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New to Analog Factory (and Arturia for that matter)
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 12:30:39 am »
Well mate not totally useless, but definitely a pain in the arse.

Alto in your case (just read your other post) having your studio completely separate from where your Internet is, means you will have to take some extra steps just to authorize your AF which I understand is a !@#%^!! pain.

In my case i will have to install software just to connect to the Internet and turn on thing's that i have turned off on my computer (pc) for Internet to even work   :x it's either that or have a "useless product" as you said or sell it, in any case it's a mess.



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