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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Greetings!  (Read 60952 times)


  • Guest
« on: June 13, 2003, 09:58:46 am »
Welcome to the ARTURIA brand-new Forum.

This forum is a place where those interested in our products, or owning one of them, can express their ideas and opinions, ask for help, or get in touch with other users.

Our forum is set up to allow you to participate in discussions on many different topics. We invite you to participate with meaningful topics and relevant replies.

Registration is not required for this forum. Registration is free, and you are not required to post your real name. You are required to post your actual email address, however it will only be used to email you a new password if you have forgotten yours, and to send you email notification when someone replies to your posts.

The forum administrators reserve the right to delete material not felt to be appropriate. Individuals who are found to abuse the forum will be banned. Check out the FAQ link for more information.

The forum administrator.


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