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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: No sound on second account  (Read 3984 times)


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No sound on second account
« on: July 29, 2007, 09:47:57 pm »

We have just been installing PTLE + Ignition Pack on 10 iMacs.
The iMacs are for educational purposes. So we have two accounts on each computer: Admin and user accounts.

Analog factory woks fine on the administrator account.
On the user account AF produces no sound.
It shows up in Pro Tools, recieves Midi, but  produces no sound.

Our user account is of course limited: You are not allowed to administrate
the computer. If we do permit users to administrate, AF works?

This is the only plug-in that behaves like this.




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seconding this
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 05:51:14 am »
just reading over the forums trying to figure out this same issue! have a classroom of macs with protools le and plugins and arturia analog factory doesn't make sound for the music account, only admin.

plus now i've updated it on this computer to 1.2 and it no longer works. i get a syncrosoft license error on launch, needs a dongle i guess? it didn't before and we certainly don't have iloks for the student computers. aggggh


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