Thanks, Vincent. I think you've hit the nail on the head there.
I think Arturia's products are generally excellent. Many of the people who have problems with them seem to think so as well, which must make their frustration with serious problems even greater.
While there have been a small number of people who've simply been determined to find fault, there's also a larger number of people with genuine problems. I've always been concerned that the professional complainers would put prospective buyers off checking out your instruments - and also that they'd make the people with genuine problems less visible than they should be.
I think at this point we've got free from the one or two moaners we had, and the concerns being voiced are just the genuine ones, some of which are serious and desperately need addressing, like the ones in this thread.
From a practical point of view I can see why Arturia needs to keep bringing out new products to keep the company solvent. Simply stopping everything to fix bugs would probably be disastrous? But to a person who's paid good money for a synth that could be so good if only it worked properly, it must be very frustrating to see new products appearing and apparently nothing being done about existing problems.
Of course some of the problems aren't of Arturia's making. Compatibility with different operating systems and third-party software must make massive difficulties. Origin should be free from those problems, and I hope that takes off some of the pressure. But Vista looks like being a major nuisance for softsynths (and, I'm inclined to think, for most other software).
At this point I think it would help tremendously for Arturia to devote more time and attention to telling people what's happening, as you've suggested.
Of course taking someone off software writing to answer questions would be of limited help, and I can understand why the company hasn't done that. But regular comments from someone who understands the issues and appreciates the concerns of your customers would make a great difference, and may even assure the future of the company. I'd be very sad to see Arturia cease to exist because of a widespread view that the company ignores its customers and sells seriously buggy products. That could easily happen. But it could be avoided.