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Author Topic: Exporting/Importing presets  (Read 3582 times)


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Exporting/Importing presets
« on: June 14, 2007, 11:11:07 am »
I am running two different copies of Prophet on two separate Macs.

When I have worked on a project in Logic on one computer
and then move it over to my other computer and want to work on it there,
then logic crashes when I open up the project.
Therefore I must first create a bank with all the sounds I use for my prophet on the first computer. Export the bank. Turn off the Prophets.
Save the project. Move it over to the new computer. Open up the project on the new computer. Turn on the Prophets. Import the sound bank. Then I can start working again.
Such a hazzle. Any easier way?
Why can't you import presets (only banks)? Only export them.


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