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Author Topic: To re-code or not to re-code?  (Read 3531 times)


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To re-code or not to re-code?
« on: March 22, 2007, 12:49:12 pm »
As Origin sprung out I believe that the inner software of it has nothing to do with the softsynth; I'd expect it has a more realistic bite on the hardware Origin.
Now I wonder: will Arturia have again their hands on it or will they drop the project out?
If the answer is yes I'd suggest to re-code the software: the original code is a lot heavy and not efficient, moreover it's hoplessly buggy; me and other friends have carefully listed all the bugs and differences with the original in order to let Arturia make this synth closer to the original but, if the guys should look into the code to catch and fix all the bugs they will take same or more time to build up a more efficient and more mantenaible code.
The CS-80V is the most respected Arturia softsynth in the music community together with the Modular and it's the only one which people regard as sounding different from the common Mg-path based synths, no matter of endorsers.

Should Arturia give this good product up? Wish not.

Anyway whoever has opinions or wants to talk about the quest CS-80 vs. CS80V feel free to write to

f a x i o m a s [at] v i r g i l i o . i t(remove spaces between characters and replaca [at] with @ )

a CS-80Vist


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To re-code or not to re-code?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 02:09:02 pm »


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