Although I posted earlier that the CS-80V Initial Pitchbend bends to the target pitch a little too quickly and should bend up from a slightly lower pitch, I do not hear it jump "from a note about an octave lower...". Was that a typo?
no typo. maybe an octave jump is a bit of an exaggeration on my part but the first audible sound is hard to detect and it's from a pitch way below the target pitch while it should be a mere semi- or whole tone. Also, the first sound (before the target pitch) should have 0 attack.
anyway, initial pitch bend should sound like that "plum blossom" example. it's also the way my own real cs80 sounds.
in general, i think the cs80v is a good first effort. but still.. a lot has to be improved on characteristics. another example on the topic of bending notes is the differences in the ribbon controller. when, on the real cs80, you remove your finger from the ribbon controller, the traveling time back to the original note is ZERO. That is a very characterisitic feature on the cs80 and a significant difference from the pitch benders you find normally on the left of any modern keyboard. with those, it's impossible to generate this effect. when working with your computer mouse you can pick a position on on the ribbon controller and click, but when released, there's still a (little) travel time back to the original note. therefore i suspect that this will unfortunately be no different when i would use a midi controller with a ribbon controller but maybe someone might proof me wrong?