Yes Ted.. :cry: ..I hear you....You were formaly endorsed from Arturia back when You used to write patches for Arturia.......But later lost the priveledge when they said you didn't write in enough "Quotes , Comments or pitches".
I see you all over the Arturia Forums showing your "Hurts and pains"....and you are fully entitled to that........
However You must be made aware that there have been many updates suggested by other users, that
have been Implemented.......Arturia have listened to me, Replied to me, and have added my suggestions to CS80Vupdates 1.2 and 1.5..........and those synths sure sound good, don't they?
Nobody has offered me anything else to say that......I am impressed with the a Yamaha CS80 owner.......(Brass....not so much)........but atleast I am getting across to them...........
Is there Something You would like me to relay to Arturia which is concerning the betterment of Arturia Software and Hardware?
would you like to explain your problems to the paying Customers???