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Author Topic: I have a set of keys Im interested in selling  (Read 1623 times)


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I have a set of keys Im interested in selling
« on: March 04, 2014, 03:36:24 am »
I recently cut my minibrute down. No more keys, who needs keys or aftertouch anyways? Well probably you.
Im interested in selling them so I can buy the things I need to make my minibrute a desktop module.
I almost immediately removed them when I purchased the unit, which surprisingly has no issues. I have a few midi controllers that I prefer to use so there are next to no hours on this keyboard.
Again, its just the keyboard, with the ribbon cable and the aftertouch cable, not the entire synth. All weights are in place and the keys from what i can see are fine, none of the plastic underneath is chipped or missing.
Opening up this synth and switching out your broken set is about 20-30 minutes worth of work.
Ive already cut down the baseplate of my minibrute so there is no going back now.
What do you suppose this key set worth? 


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Re: I have a set of keys Im interested in selling
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 07:32:17 am »
I may be interested in buying your keys for the Minibrute. Can we get a dialog going on PM to negotiate a price?


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