I'm a complete noob with hardware synths so please excuse me if i ask anything stupid.
I've had the MicroBrute for a few hours and its taken that long to figure out the missing patterns issue on the sequencer which, as it turns out, isn't even an issue
When i set up the 'basic patch' from the manual, I'm getting a faint sound coming through my headphones, it sounds like oscillation of some kind and is affected if i start messing with any parameters. Playing the keyboard creates notes as expected but this faint sound is always there in the background.
Whats weird is this happens with the master volume knob half way up. If i turn the volume up higher, the sound i described gets fainter until the volume is all the way up, at which point the sound disappears.
Is this an issue or not? I'm guessing it is because it renders the volume knob a bit useless, for example, i will need to have it turned full all the time to prevent that unwanted noise from being recorded.