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Author Topic: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac  (Read 59085 times)


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Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« on: February 08, 2014, 08:42:10 pm »
Very frustrated with the Minilab.
First of all, I'm a front end web developer by day. I constantly have to install new programs and learn new things.

This instructions to set up Minilab with Ableton Live are laughable:

1. Install the folder ‘Arturia MiniLab’ into the folder:

Mac users:
Macintosh HD/Users/(username)/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live (latest version)/user remote scripts/ 

2. Plug in your MiniLab to a USB port.
3. Launch Ableton
4. Open the Preferences panel
5. Choose the MIDI/Sync tab
6. Select Arturia MiniLab from the list in under Control Surface

"Install the folder"? what are you talking about? And this path does not exist for me. I'm on an iMac OSX.  I tried just creating it. When I open Ableton and go to Preferences --> MIDI. THE MINILAB DOES NOT COME UP IN THE LIST UNDER CONTROL SURFACES! It does however come up in the "Input" and "Output". I selected them there. Tried to record. I'm getting a MIDI signal into Ableton, BUT IT WON'T RECORD! I've updated to the latest version of Minilab 1.1.

Any help would be appreciated or I'm about to  throw this piece of shit in the trash!


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2014, 09:36:15 pm »
On windows that path is hidden it might be the same for mac

Is there a library/preferences folder for you to access

The path must exist it holds the ableton program data

In the user remote scripts folder contains a readme file

InstantMappings HowTo

With the file 'UserConfiguration.txt' provided in
 this directory,

you can create your own Instant

Note: Since this mechanism relies on the scripts
  added for Live 6,

you can solely map the given
  functions to your Control Surface.

You can neither
  add functions nor can you change the banks of
  device parameters.

1. Create a directory in 'User Remote Scripts'.
The name of the directory will show up in the
  list of Control Surfaces in Live.
Naming: The name of the directory should not
    start with '_' or '.'.

2. Copy the the file 'UserConfiguration.txt' into
  your directory.
The name of the file needs to
  remain unchanged.

3. Edit the copy to adapt it to your needs. The
  comments in the file will tell you what to do.

So basicly change the folder name to minilab and put in the user remote scripts directory

Depending what you want mapped you might prefer using abletons built in  midi learn and saving
a default template as it is more efficient than the script

Ideally customise the script to your needs and use the midi learn as it overides the script

Ableton do not seem to support generic mapping as they have there own control surfaces they will
allways prefer to support 

I found problems in some controls in relative mode with the script but dont believe it was the minilab
or the script it was ableton the way i got round this was made a hybrid absolute/relative script


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 01:53:42 am »
Thanks for the feedback.
Is there a library/preferences folder for you to access
Not under Users/ but in the top directory of the OSX hard drive I found .. Library/Preferences/

Here I just duplicated the path that was in the instructions
Macintosh HD/Users/(username)/Library/Preferences/Ableton/Live (latest version)/user remote scripts/ 

And I did the following but it still doesn't show up under Control Surfaces
1. Create a directory in 'User Remote Scripts'.
The name of the directory will show up in the
  list of Control Surfaces in Live.
Naming: The name of the directory should not
    start with '_' or '.'.

2. Copy the the file 'UserConfiguration.txt' into
  your directory.
The name of the file needs to
  remain unchanged.


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2014, 04:01:23 pm »
The user library/preferences folder is hidden

You will have to enable hidden files to find it

Your need to research this its easy to find

Sorry I am using  windows and wouldn't link something I hadn't checked myself as it involves the terminal

There is an temp show option in finder for mavericks and later


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2014, 06:57:21 pm »
First of all thank you Kickwizard for your feedback on this! Greatly appreciated.
I researched 'showing hidden files on Mac'. It gave me some code to enter into Terminal. I did this and presto I could see files I wasn't seeing before. Inside the 'Remote User Scripts' folder I created a directory called 'Arturia Minilab' and I put in the script file. I then opened Ableton Live 9 and to my surprise I saw Arturia Minilab in the Control Surface dropdown! Thanks for that!

I'm still having this issue and I'm not sure if it's me or a bug. I opened Analog Lab which is the sound library that comes with the Minilab. I found a sound I liked, armed a MIDI track in Ableton for record. I can see the input coming in at the bottom of the track when I play the keyboard. It's a yellow color. I went up to the first slot in my MIDI track and clicked on it. I recorded some keyboard. After stopping, if I click on that slot it shows in the bottom the MIDI notes I just played. So I can see that it is communicating with the Minilab. HOWEVER, when I playback I don't hear any sound?? I thought this might have something to do with the Control Surface issue. But I'm still not hearing it.

Any clues would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I'm so close. I don't want to abandon the Minilab but haven't been able to record with it yet!

thank you,

I will post up the instructions for making hidden files on Mac visible for anyone how is having the same issue and is comfortable using the Terminal. It's easy to do.

The following method makes the user Library folder permanently visible.
NOTE: Only advanced users should attempt this method.
Launch Terminal from Mac HD > Applications > Utilities.
From within Terminal type the following command and press Return:
chflags nohidden ~/Library.
Enter system administrator password if prompted and press Return. NOTE: The System administrator password is not visible as you type it.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2014, 07:06:55 pm by kurtgarrison »


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 12:12:54 am »
I opened Analog Lab which is the sound library that comes with the Minilab. I found a sound I liked, armed a MIDI track in Ableton for record.

If you have added a MIDI track with Analog Lab as the instrument plugin/VSTi on it in Live, you don't need to add another MIDI track with the Minilab as the keyboard input. Just select Minilab as MIDI input *on* the Analog Lab track. Or leave this selection to "All MIDI inputs", which will include the Minilab.

FYI: Minilab is essentially a MIDI keyboard and is enhanced with some controller functions. So you don't have to place it in the Controller Surfaces menu if you just wanna play a MIDI keyboard and record the sounds of Analog Lab, just leave it under "Preferences" in the section of MIDI devices with the "Track" option for input selected. You should hear an Analog Lab sound if you put Minilab as a MIDI device on the Analog Lab track and select "Auto" as the monitoring option for that track - don't use other tracks before you are sure what you can do with them.


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2014, 12:28:25 am »
hello vaikl,
I attached a screengrab within Ableton LIve 9.
By default it is set to 'All Ins'. I even specifically selected 'Arturia Minilab' under 'MIDI From'. As you can see from the screengrab it recorded the MIDI notes but when I play back I hear nothing?

Where is says 'MIDI To'. Is there something I should select here? The 'Audio To' goes to Master. Seems weird that 'MIDI To' says No Output. Though I tried the options here but still couldn't get sound on playback.....
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 12:31:32 am by kurtgarrison »


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2014, 12:54:58 am »
hello vaikl,
I attached a screengrab within Ableton LIve 9.
By default it is set to 'All Ins'. I even specifically selected 'Arturia Minilab' under 'MIDI From'. As you can see from the screengrab it recorded the MIDI notes but when I play back I hear nothing?

Where is says 'MIDI To'. Is there something I should select here? The 'Audio To' goes to Master. Seems weird that 'MIDI To' says No Output. Though I tried the options here but still couldn't get sound on playback.....

Sorry, but i don't see any screenshot ???

Anyway - recording something means putting a track into recording mode *and* setting the complete session to the red record mode on the transport section. You should easily see a MIDI recorded AnalogLab track in the arrangement view of Live. If there are recorded MIDI notes and they are initiating action on the volume indicators during playback and you still get no sounds from that track, check the Live preferences for audio i/o if there all output options are marked.


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2014, 01:55:11 am »
Hi vaikl,
ya sorry about that. I attached it, checked and didn't see it so I tried it again.. thought maybe it was attached and I just wasn't seeing it. Ok I got this to work. I want to post this up in case someone else is having the same problem.

There was a step I was missing, and maybe because there was no screengrab you couldn't notice. Or maybe there is more than one way to do it?

In the left Browser window I went to 'Plug-ins' -->VST -->Analog Lab. I grabbed Analog Lab and pulled it over into an empty slot on my MIDI track. The track was then named Analog Lab. The Analog Lab interface opened up. Previously I had opened it up independently from Ableton not through dragging it over. I armed this track and clicked play on an empt slot and it recorded! Heard it on playback!!

This must be in the documentation somewhere. Can't believe it was so hard to figure this out.
Deep breath.. now I will try to get some work done!

Thanks for the feedback, without it I might have given up on the Minilab :)


ps. just want to note, I shut Ableton down and opened later trying the same thing and wasn't hearing the keyboard. Then I got it to work while using my Mac keyboard but not the Minilab, then I unplugged the Minilab and and plugged it back in and it worked. Something glitchy so not 100% satisfied but will proceed with recording and hope all goes well.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2014, 04:52:12 am by kurtgarrison »

Big E

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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2014, 03:34:06 am »
Hey Everybody,

Im new to this.

I'm running Ableton 9 on a Mac with OSX. I purchased a Arturia MiniLab and after days of confusion, I got it to appear in my Control Surfaces in Preferences.

BUT , now I'm ready to record.

How do i record the ANALOG LAB in Ableton?

The keyboard signal is being picked up.
when I record notes show in the display screen in Ableton.
But no sound in playback after i record.

I simply want to record sounds from ANALOG LAB into my project in ABLETON 9

Please help anybody


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2014, 01:00:43 pm »
Hey Big E,
I wrote this earlier maybe you missed it but follow it closely I had the same issue.

Inside Abelton, on the left side panel I went to 'Plug-ins' -->VST -->Analog Lab. I grabbed Analog Lab and dragged it over into an empty slot on my MIDI track. The track was then automatically named Analog Lab. The Analog Lab interface opened up. Previously I had opened it up independently from Ableton not through dragging it over. I clicked record ready and clicked play on an open slot of that track and it recorded! Heard it on playback!!

Big E

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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2014, 06:45:36 am »
Hey, kurtgarrison

yup you got it!

i got it to work last night, brain was going numb after trying to get it to work.

i looked over finally in my Plug ins under Categories and Analog Lab was there.

I swore i looked before and it wasn't, between getting the script to work etc....sheesh

But yeah i finally got the lab to show and record! so I'm good now

Thanks for the post


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2014, 12:13:34 pm »
Hey Everybody,

Im new to this.

I'm running Ableton 9 on a Mac with OSX. I purchased a Arturia MiniLab and after days of confusion, I got it to appear in my Control Surfaces in Preferences.

BUT , now I'm ready to record.

How do i record the ANALOG LAB in Ableton?

The keyboard signal is being picked up.
when I record notes show in the display screen in Ableton.
But no sound in playback after i record.

I simply want to record sounds from ANALOG LAB into my project in ABLETON 9

Please help anybody

Hi Big E,

I've been cracking my head to get the minilab work, how do you get it appear in your control surface in preferences?

Thanks in advance


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2014, 12:08:40 am »
If you are on OSX, the folder for remote scripts can be found if you go to applications, then right click on the Ableton icon and choose 'show package contents'.


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Re: Setting up Arturia Minilab to work with Ableton Live 9 on a Mac
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2014, 10:59:39 pm »
Ok... I'm super frustrated...

I'm new to Ableton and Arturia. I love the MiniLab and the Analog lab software... so very exciting. Now I just want to record it.... I've gotten to the point where I can figure out how to get the mini lab selected in the preferences, and it controlls things, that's great...

But I can't seem to get Analog lab to show up, so that I can select it as an instrument or make it pop up within Ableton to use? Which of the side bars should it be under? - Do I need another VST plugin or something? Or is there another step other than just putting it in the remote scripts folder.

please help!



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