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Author Topic: KeyLab 49 Doesn't work in FL Studio...  (Read 13282 times)


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KeyLab 49 Doesn't work in FL Studio...
« on: February 04, 2014, 11:03:14 pm »
So as an MIDI controller's fine.

However as a KEYBOARD it doesn't work. It works fine in Analog Lab.

Is there anyway to make it work as a keyboard in my DAW? Or should i attempt the long and frustrating process of getting my money back?


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Re: KeyLab 49 Doesn't work in FL Studio...
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 05:08:57 pm »
I have a KeyLab 25 and it works just fine in FL (save for the transports. Haven't figured those out yet!).  I also tried a KeyLab 49 in the store, and it worked just fine.

If you haven't already, check the FL Midi settings.  There may be something in there.  I wouldn't get your money back yet, as the KeyLab is amazing.  And if you've got a 49, that's even better than mine!  I would have done a 49, but it didn't fit on my desk.

Best of luck to you!



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Re: KeyLab 49 Doesn't work in FL Studio...
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2014, 02:48:58 pm »
Hy there

First of all, sorry for my english, but I am french.
I am the owner of  a Keylab 25 I've just bought.
It's quite difficult for me to find help in french to "map" my Keylab with my DAW (FLS)
I'm in the testing phase. as if I got a lot of question, I can say I can assign virtual knobs to different physical elements of my keyboard.
We must know that it's the first time I use midi configuration with FLS.
I found some solution in video like this one and it works with Keylab :
..who is really useful
and if your english is better than mine, these links could be useful too:

But does someone could tell me how I must do to save all the parameters in Midi Control Center (MDC), before I shut down, when I have finish the "mapping setup" to recover all my configuration when I will come back ?
Because in the Keylab manual Series, they say  "send to Keyboard" (4.4.3). However, I do not see this feature in the MDC? ...Does the manual is really "update", because images do not seem to fit with the reality of what I can see on my screen  ???

Part A.
So, does someone could hlep me and tel me how to do
1 - to save mapping parameter ?

But I have as well 2 questions ?
1 - Does we have to create as many different templates for each VST/VSTi ? Or do we just have to, first, map all midi function in or VST in our DAW(I said before that FL should recognize the whole different mapping process, as if it concerns different VST/VSTi, with the same knobs, button, of the controller) and in final, just save all this work as a whole template ? That will means that we will could restore independently the whole configuration once we will open our former project in our DAW, and retrieve all the midi mapping we have done before with each VST/VSTi ?
2- I do not understand the use of the "Memory" function ? Do we have, once we have created our midi mapping, to save this in one of these "Memory" ? That will means that we can store in each "Memory", as many templates we want ?
(Eg. if I create 14 templates for one project, can I store the entire work in " Memory One", and create for example 4 others templates that I will store in "Memory 2", etc, independently and using my 10 memory according to the needs ?

If yes to part B.
Does all that I will have to do when I will open a session will be to use the "recall" button to upload these different templates ?

Thank you for all dear user friends.



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