The LFO doesn't retrigger if the switch is set to SEQ, arturia told me it isn't possible since the LFO is synced to SEQ …
I don't understand, the LFO rate is synced to the SEQ okay.
But why it isn't possible to retrigg the LFO phase from the start on each key press then
Please can you add this option with a firmware update, it is nice to have a lfo rate synced to the sequencer, but the phase is free running i.e.: the sequencer is free running ! (if external clock received).
Sync: Free - LFO key retrigger: OFF - SEQ: OFF -----> the LFO doesn't retrigger on each key press, GOOD !
Sync: Free - LFO key retrigger: ON - SEQ: OFF -----> the LFO retrigger on each key press, GOOD !
Sync: Free - LFO key retrigger: OFF - SEQ: PLAY -----> the LFO doesn't retrigger on each key press, GOOD !
Sync: Free - LFO key retrigger: ON - SEQ: PLAY ------> the LFO retrigger on each key press, GOOD ! (phase is inverted)
Sync: SEQ - LFO key retrigger: OFF / ON - SEQ: OFFThe LFO doesn't retrigger whatever you set the retrigger option on
Sync: SEQ - LFO key retrigger: OFF - SEQ: PLAYThe LFO retrigger nicely ! (weird, key retrigger option is set to OFF)
The LFO doesn't retrigger anymore when receiving an external clock !Sync: SEQ - LFO key retrigger: ON - SEQ: PLAYThe LFO retrigger in a strange way, the phase is shifted back and forth on each key press a little making some clicks when modulating a pitch for example.
Doesn't retrigger with external clock !I would like a mix between:
Sync: SEQ - LFO key retrigger: OFF - SEQ: PLAYSync: SEQ - LFO key retrigger: ON - SEQ: PLAYAn LFO that retrigger nicely, on each note received / key pressed, when receiving an external clock with the key retrigger option set to on, with its rate synced to the SEQ as it working now. Please Arturia !