right now auto clock changes it self back to internal when the external clock stops.
While this is technically correct its unhandy in stage and recording situations because the sequencer just start again after being stopped instead keeping the silence you have ordered by pressing the stop button on your clock master.
It would be better when auto only jumps on the external midi clock when it appears as we have it now..but once being on external midi sync keeping that state until you have reseted the state by switching the sequencer off and on again..than it just starts on internal clock again up to the moment it gets an external midi clock..
So basically a latch on the external clock state once it got selected automatical..
Is that a good idea? I personally only stop my master clock when i want to have a real stop all machines silence..otherwise i mute the tracks..
In any case the minibrute should react to a stop command with a little longer gap befor switching itself back to internal sync.. giving the user enough time to stop it manually than.