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Author Topic: MINILAB WITH REASON  (Read 41103 times)

ben arturia

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« on: January 13, 2014, 09:21:11 am »
Hi Minilabers !

We have been working on a codec for your MiniLab to work with Reason.
==> Reason with your MiniLab <==

In order to map your MiniLab remember to use the Midi Control Center !

Reason allows you vast control over the software using their REASON REMOTE protocol.
To access these features you will need to configure your MiniLab and install the   
Reason codecs. Once you have loaded the correct preset into your MiniLab, and
installed the Reason codecs, you will have access to transports, loop, metronome on/off, count   
in on/off, track and preset selection and some level of control for most devices within Reason.

Enjoy !

« Last Edit: August 07, 2014, 08:50:17 am by ben arturia »


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« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2014, 08:11:41 pm »

Been trying to download the codec but it seems to be  a dead link? Has it been moved? May I kindly request for the new link to download this?


ben arturia

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« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2014, 08:50:37 am »
Link fixed.


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« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2014, 05:20:02 pm »
Much appreciated! :) Thanks!


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« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2017, 06:46:59 pm »
Hi, my name is Hugo and i´m from Portugal. I have a Arturia minilab mk2 and i can´t find a map/codec to work with reason.
In your post i´ve downloaded the map but when i try to import the files from midi control center, the files don´t appear on the screen.
My question is " Is any map available to download? I produce with reason only, not with ableton, sonar, FL, etc.
Need help please!!!

Greetings from Portugal ;)

Hi Minilabers !

We have been working on a codec for your MiniLab to work with Reason.
==> Reason with your MiniLab <==

In order to map your MiniLab remember to use the Midi Control Center !

Reason allows you vast control over the software using their REASON REMOTE protocol.
To access these features you will need to configure your MiniLab and install the   
Reason codecs. Once you have loaded the correct preset into your MiniLab, and
installed the Reason codecs, you will have access to transports, loop, metronome on/off, count   
in on/off, track and preset selection and some level of control for most devices within Reason.

Enjoy !

ben arturia

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« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2017, 09:35:08 am »
Hi Hugo,

Did you follow the step by step pdf tutorial in the zip of the first post ?


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« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2017, 05:28:09 pm »
Hi, Just got my new minilabmk2 and spent yesterday afternoon getting it to work with Reason9. Reason autodetects this as a minilab and uses the mappings built into reason 9 or the mappings that can be downloaded off the arturia support page and also on this thread, but none of these have the required mk2 MCC template. So I built this template yesterday and it is working great and I am happy to share it. Let me know how i can post an attachment or PM me if interested.


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« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2017, 03:27:37 pm »
Hi Minilabers !

We have been working on a codec for your MiniLab to work with Reason.
==> Reason with your MiniLab <==

In order to map your MiniLab remember to use the Midi Control Center !

Reason allows you vast control over the software using their REASON REMOTE protocol.
To access these features you will need to configure your MiniLab and install the   
Reason codecs. Once you have loaded the correct preset into your MiniLab, and
installed the Reason codecs, you will have access to transports, loop, metronome on/off, count   
in on/off, track and preset selection and some level of control for most devices within Reason.

Enjoy !
Hi awesome mapping most appreciated, was wondering though if yuo could explain how to do it please, as i am trying to map a sylenth 1 vst and am in great need of help to do so thanks


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« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2017, 09:54:37 pm »
Hi ben arturia...
I am now using the mappings provided above, in 2014 (Many Thanks!).

One reason I find the Minilab great is its high number of buttons & knobs. However, I really don't see how we can "edit" the mappings to add or modify them.

The best example I find to illustrate the issue is using Minilab with Reason's RPG-8. In the above mappings, there is only a total of 6 knobs that are mapped with the RPG, whereas, there is still the "Octave Shift", "Insert", Velocity" and more functions that are left aside, unmapped.  So, I simply would like to add these to the Mapping template.

I understand that could maybe be done through the MCC interface (Midi Control Center, version, but am really at a loss once there... I really don't see how or understand the procedure to edit the template from there.

Would it be possible for you to provide a step-by-step procedure to, say, map RPG-8's "Velocity" function to knob #10 on the Minilab?

The PDF in the Zip file does include a small paragraph about this, on page 4, and it mentions "EDIT, RECALL", but I do not see "Edit" mentioned anywhere in MCC, neither as a button nor a Menu item).  I believe a step-by-step procedure detailing this little paragraph would be greatly appreciated.

Thanking you in advance!
Best regards,
- V

ben arturia

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« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2017, 11:19:11 am »
Hi Vivj,

In the MCC those 2 buttons are now called Store to and Recall from.

In order to edit one parameter in the mapping.
- Simply click on Recall from
- Then edit the recalled memory
- Once done click on Store to

Hope that it helps.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 09:23:27 am by ben arturia »


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« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2017, 10:35:45 pm »
Ok. Thanks a lot for the help.
Actually, I think what I’m looking for is not possible.
I don’t want to create “noise” for this thread (so feel free to delete this reply), but I’ll try to explain…

Let’s say, in the form of a question to you:
“How did you know that selecting “74 – Brightness” as Knob 2’s “CC Value” would affect Reason’s RPG-8’s “Mode”?
(Is there any existing documentation on this?)

So, through trial ‘n error, I have tested many different CC values for knobs 10 to 16 (which, in your template, are not assigned or mapped to the RPG-8) in hopes of being lucky and maybe hit the right value to touch RPG’s Velocity function for example… But in doing so, I realized that I was impacting the behavior of these knobs when using other instruments in Reason (under Thor for ex, for which all 8 knobs have an effect in the template – which I use and want to keep - after my edits, these knobs don't do anything anymore to Thor).   :)

All in all, the template you’ve provided is way more useful than any default ones - so big thanks!

Where I feel something’s missing, is that I wish it was possible to use the multiple knobs for the many other functions of RPG-8…
I do not think it is possible to do this while keeping the rest of the mappings for all other instruments.

Thanks again,
Good day!

(I'll just add that you are the only one that I've found touching on this specific issue, and specifically about using MiniLab with Reason - which is greatly appreciated!  ... and I guess that's why I'm detailing my train of thoughts.)

ben arturia

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« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2017, 09:25:58 am »
Hi Vivj,

First you need to know what are the CC expected by RPG-8.
Then you can create a mapping for RPG-8 and store it in a memory.
Then you can have several memories in your Minilab and recall them when needed.
Hope this helps


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youtube workaround
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2017, 01:48:13 am »
found this, maybe can work for u guys.


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« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2018, 04:36:38 pm »
Hi there... Thanks for the info.
But this Youtube is for "Override Mapping" (Remote or computer keyboard), which I've known for a long time.
Except that what happens with this is that the "override" key/button that you map will remain tied to the instrument with which you mapped it... So, when you change the instrument to be played in Reason, that key or knob will still only play the original instrument where you mapped the override.

It can be useful, but here I'm looking for a more powerful and less "temporary" trick, which is to edit the template of your MIDI mapping that is used by your keyboard. And even though we have a software tool that comes with Arturia Minilab (the "MCC") to supposedly do this, I am totalling at a loss as to how to edit this to my taste...
What is GREAT with Minilab is its 16 knobs... and there are a lot of knobs & buttons in Reason.
So, it's great and so much more powerful to be able to use these physical buttons instead of the computer mouse.  Except that the default mapping template is of no real interest.

Whereas, in comparison, the template provided above is "revolutionary"...  it is 10 times more powerful a template than the default.
But, there are still things to improve in that template.  For ex:, when playing Reason's RPG-8, no knob is assigned to the "Velocity" rotary nor to the "Insert" function. Or when selecting the Matrix in Reason, there is zero mapping for it. Or when selecting the Kong, the Minilab's pads (8 of them) do not play anything, only the keys.

So, I'd like to be able to edit the template in order to exploit as many physical buttons as possible. A visual step-by-step would be required - showing both the MCC & Reason windows, and also explaining the "Absolute" vs. "Relative #1,2,3" from the "Option" field in the MCC window.

"MCC" = MIDI Control Center  (provided by Arturia)
I'll need to ask Arturia to create a tutorial for the MCC.

Anyways. Didn't want to take that much space, but the funny thing is that this info is just not available anywhere... Whereas, on the other hand, we hear many users loving both of these tools - Reason & Minilab - (I do!)...  So, I can't think that I'd be the only user wanting to do this.

It's already quite something that we have access to this improved template provided above by ben arturia... He's the only one I saw tackling this. Kudos!

- V


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« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2018, 08:09:01 pm »
Hello All, I am trying to set up my new MLMK2 with Reason 10.

Vivj I wonder if what you are looking for is the Midi Implementation chart for reason?  Here is the one for R9, This will show you what CC messages each mapped knob of your chosen device will respond to.  I believe you cannot change these,  But you can map the appropriate cc message to your chosen knob... etc. Is this the info you were looking for??

I just got my MiniLab and have been working with MCC.  I tried to load the files originally provided by Ben.  I put the codecs where the go etc... but when I tried to import the "MiniLab-Reason.minilab" it was greyed out and would not load.  I wondered if this was just cause it was made in 2014 and newer existing defaults supersede this?  I noted that in the PDF he refers to firmware 2.1 and above, but maybe because he is referring to the first MiniLab not Mk2? My MK2 firmware is Arturia site says latest update is but its mostly about Ableton say the notes.

Anyway I have to admit I am not super informed about codecs etc.... is that still needed?  I mean I get the MK2 to reason 10.  but I noticed looking at the implementation chart and the pdf from ben describing how things are mapped that for instance he has Knob 2 on Thor mapped to Filter 1 Freq, and on Maelstrom K2 mapped to Filter A freq.  Looking at the midi implementation chart these are different CC messages.  Does this mean you need to load a different memory when dealing with each synth? Or is there some extra added benefit that makes Reason detect device specific mappings?  Is that what remote maps are for?  Any insight here would be great thanks!

As far as Absolute, vs Relative 1, 2, 3.  Absolute means your knob will send the value specific to its last physical position.  Relative are a few formats that for understanding software will let your turns increment the chosen value up or down from where ever it is currently in the software. nice to Avoid jumps as you go between various synths and want to tweak knobs.  It does no seem that Reason can deal with anything but absolute values, however I am going to write Reason support and see if there are ways to make it work.  It would be very helpful for my hoped for set up.

Thats already a lot of post so I will stop there for now but look forward to any info anyone can supply.



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