I found by accident a cool way to make TR-909 sounding kickdrums using the glide function. It sounds really obvious but I didn't find any mention of it on google.
There are many variations on the settings you can use (see below for an example) but I guess just set it like you would if you were gonna make a bass drum patch (no attack, short release/decay, sine wave sub osc with a little noise or other waveforms maybe, low- or band-pass at a low setting enveloped for quick release, etc.).
The main thing is:
1. Set glide time to something fairly short, 10 o clock or less (unless you want gabber drums
2. Play a really high note
3. Play a fairly low note, something in the " -1 " octave range.
The portamento causes a fast drop in pitch, giving you that THUMP the 909 is famous for. I played around with the settings for like 2 hours and I'm sure I could still find some other variations. If you mess with the resonance and brute factor you can get more of a THWACK wooden sound, you can lengthen the decay, try band-pass vs low-pass filter at various cutoffs and ENV AMT settings, etc.
It's not useful for live instrumentation, only really for harvesting samples, since you have to play a high note then low note. Here's a jam showing off some of the kicks I managed to get: