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Author Topic: Would really appreciate some help. Rookie questions  (Read 1540 times)


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Would really appreciate some help. Rookie questions
« on: December 04, 2013, 03:36:18 pm »
Hi, I just bought a SparkLe a couple of days ago. Im very new to music production and kindly ask you to consider that when/if you answer me.

Here is my problem :

I bought the Propellerhead software Reason 7 to use as my DAW. Since my main priority will be hip hop and RnB music I will be creating alot of beats. I asked in my local music store what hardware that can help me create beats with great variation quickly and is able to integrate with Reason. The guy recommended the sparkLe drum machine. 

Now im sitting here with a Daw and desperatly trying to get SparkLe to work with it.
I have installed the software and my god it is working fine in standalone mode.
But now I want my beat that I have created with sparkLe to transfer to my Reason sequencer so that I can add vocals and other music element.

Your time and your efforts are highly appreciated.

// Ruhan


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Re: Would really appreciate some help. Rookie questions
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2013, 08:35:29 am »
You have to define Spark as A VST in Reason. If this is "gibberish" to you, a basic tutorial on youtube "getting started" or similar about working with Reason should get you going.


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