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Author Topic: Mouse Won't Work on SEM V!!!!!!  (Read 2455 times)


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Mouse Won't Work on SEM V!!!!!!
« on: November 27, 2013, 07:33:47 pm »

I've just bought, authorized and Installed the SEM V, but the synth won't react to my mouse! I can't click on any of the parameters to move them! Absolutely nothing responds to the mouse click. I can't even change sounds. It's like the interface is dead or something.

I can play the sound that the synth opens up with with my MIDI keyboard, but can't do nothing with my mouse! It's like the mouse is de-activated or switched off. I can use the mouse in my Pro Tools session as normal, but I can't click or move anything on the SEM V interface.

Can anyone please help me?
(I've also got this problem with the Spark Vintage Drum Machine. I'll have to send this again using the Spark forum).


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