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Author Topic: CC-Transmission to Encoders P5-P9 on Bank 2 not working  (Read 3747 times)


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CC-Transmission to Encoders P5-P9 on Bank 2 not working
« on: November 23, 2013, 01:45:54 pm »
Does anyone know anything about the following problem?
I am using a Keylab 49 (Firmware 1.29, Midi Control Center 1.0 on Windows 8.1).
After setting CC numbers for the encoders P1 to P10 (Bank 1 and 2) in the MCC the transmission to the Keylab (storage to one of the memories) is only working with P1-P10 on Bank 1, P1-P4 and P10 on Bank 2. The CC numbers for P5-P9 on Bank 2 are not transmitted (on the Keylab display the numbers of Bank 1 are shown).
Checking with the MIDI-OX Output Monitor the problem is confirmed (the CC numbers sent by P5-P9 on Bank 2 are different to the MCC-settings).


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