Hey, I bought this awesome synth and after some playing around i discovered an interesting exploit/glitch/bug/feature that I didn't see being mentioned in the manual, so I decided to share it here.
1. Set the VCA switch to "Gate".
2. Set the "Attack" slider to the lowest point possible (this exploit won't work when the slider isn't at said point) and the "Release" slider to the highest point possible. The "Sustain" slider should be at least up a third on the dial-thingy.
3. Play a note on the keyboard.
4. After you've played the note, it should start to fade out. At this point, flick the "Release" slider as fast as you can to zero.
5. If you've done everything right, the note will stay on forever, despite the "Release" slider being at zero. If you want to end the note, play another note or move the "Attack" or "Release slider.
This exploit is actually pretty useful, especially when you're processing an external audio source via the "Audio In" input and don't want to press a key all the time to hear it. Also you can now turn the filter and LFO knobs with both hands.
But I'm wondering: Is anyone else able to pull off this exploit or is it just a single "malfunction" on my Microbrute?