December 23, 2024, 06:45:08 pm
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: minilab - changing pads - expecting 2nd level of pads lights to change -but NOT  (Read 3784 times)


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hi.just bought minilab.1st delivered unit faulty on to 2nd one know
works ok with analog lab
managed to figure out relative mode in midi control centre i think

in relative mode in ableton 9 i have now been able to get the 16 encoders to operate properly in ableton 9
the 16 pads also now can for example be assigned to say track mutes switches as midi note toggle commands
BUT when tracks/pads 1-8 are on and 'lit' red when i alternate to pad 9-16 the lights still stay switched on red even though the selected controls relating to 9-16 pads aren't on
and have not been pressed.

is this possible to get the unit to switch as suggested  so i can see 16 switches and whether there are selected or not via the lights.when i had a behringer bcr3000 this recognised such changes

in reason the thor sequencer buttons  and encoders are not receiving any midi data at all when the minicab is in same user relative mode at all and when in reasons remote override edit mode (select and press midi c/c) nothing is received by reason but i can see via midi monitor app the mac is receiving data ?

i need the pads to work in a similar way as above with the lights,i.e. once u switch to 2nd level of pads the buttons recall the switches on/off settings of 9-16...

can it do this? tech support shit so far i raised case yesterday and got no response and its now removed from my account Case 145616


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