Thank you for your answer. Excuse my english, I hope it's understandable, what I try to explain:
I know there is a NRPN-Checkbox in MMV. In standalone-mode I checked what you suggested. But unfortunately it doesn't help. The only result is:
I see in the BC display value changes like "...5083, 5084, 5085,..." and so on, till 16383, but I always hear just every 127 steps a frequency change and this change is not soft, it' sounds still 7-bit-like.
The only effect is: I have to turn the BCF-encoder knob many times more, but the precision and sonic result is the same like 7-Bit.
By the way: it makes no difference, if I choose CC-controller or NRPN-Controller for 14 bit resolution. Same result.
As you know, when you put the mouse-cursor above a knob of Mg Modular, like "cutoff", on MMV a small window appears, where the acutall frequenzy-value is listet and refreshed during tweaking. So, when I turn the encoder, the values change in fine resoluted 16383 steps on BC display, but on the small Mg window, the frequency-value changes in a rough way, only every 127 steps - and you hear a value-jump. While BC dsiplay counts exactly every 16383 step, the Mg-window just shows 363.78Hz and after 127 steps it jumps noticable to a value of 426.77Hz, for example.
I guess, normaly, with 14 bit, you should see in the Mg value-window a finer frequenzy actualisation, coresponding to the high resolution steps on BC's display?
On BC-Manager, I selected:
- Type: nrpn
- Channel: 1
- NRPN: 0 ($00 $00)
- Value 1: 0
- Value 2: 16383
- Mode: Absolute (14 bit)
When I select another mode, like "relative 14 bit; 2's complement", the knob in MMV reacts in a strange way: it jumps just from 0 to the highest frequenzy.
The result of "Relative 14 bit; binary offset" is: the knob is staying in the middle-setting and when I turn the BCF-encoder it jumps alway back in the middle-Value of MMV.
Where do I have to set the 1024 resolutin steps in BC Manager for encoders and faders? It's the "Value 2"-knob on the "Standard output"-page in B-Controll, or am I wrong?
I'm asking, bevause I'm a bit confused, because on the "general"-page next to the 4 resolution knobs, there you can set the value too.