Ok....I primarily bought the Arturia 61 for a step up in driving my Fantom XR as a Midi Controller.
I like it....fast...does all that I want. More reliable than the Radium Midiman I had been using.
So I still want to play with the software...I got my activation code...and I see all the old legacy boards that I used to play with as a much younger man.
2 things though....
It is not in tune....
When I play the Arturia 61 when it is driving my Fantom XR it is 440. Totally in tune.
But when it drives the KeyLab software it is out of tune badly.
2nd thing.....
The plugins all say "Not Activated" but I do see the 5000 sounds and I did get an activation code.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks and the board is a wonderful product.
Fast Fred