I'm trying to get the drummer track in Logic X to control the Arturia Spark.
I can replace the Drum Kit Designer plugin that's used by default for the drummer track with, for example, the Ultrabeat plugin and it just works.
The Arturia Spark plugin seems to work in a software instrument track, I can play it with the Spark controller, I can both record and play MIDI notes, but when I use it as a plugin for the drummer track, there is simply no sound.
I've tried exporting MIDI from the drummer track to the software instrument track, but the note<->drum mapping seems to be messed up, and even if it is possible to figure out how to convert Arturia's drum mapping to Logic's, exporting the MIDI data every time after a change is made in the drummer track's settings is going to be ... painful.
Any ideas on how to get this working?